Pottery -- Palestine. : The sociology of pottery in ancient Palestine : the ceramic industry and the diffusion of ceramic style in the Bronze and Iron Ages / Bryant G. Wood
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Caucasus, South : Nairi lands : the identity of the local communities of eastern Anatolia, South Caucasus and ... periphery during the late bronze and early iron age, a reassessment of the material culture and the socio-economic landscape / Guido Guarducci
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Croatia -- Dalmatia : The rhyton from Danilo : structure and symbolism of a middle Neolithic cult-vessel / Omer Rak, translated by Theresa Alt and Wayles Browne
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Europe, Central : Cinematosophical Introduction to the Theory of Archaeology : Understanding Archaeology Through Cinema, Philosophy, Literature and some Incongruous Extremes / Aleksander Dzbyńsju ; with a foreword by Philippe Della Casa ; translated by Maciej Adamski
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Europe -- Congresses : Pots, farmers and foragers : pottery traditions and social interaction in the earliest Neolithic of the lower Rhine area / edited by B. Vanmontfort ... (et.al.)
Pottery, Prehistoric -- France -- Brittany : Océan, céramiques et îles dans l'ouest de la France : approche archéométrique des relations paléo-économiques des populations insulaires du Néolithique à l'Antiquité / Benjamin Gehres
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Iran : Nairi lands : the identity of the local communities of eastern Anatolia, South Caucasus and ... periphery during the late bronze and early iron age, a reassessment of the material culture and the socio-economic landscape / Guido Guarducci
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Iraq : Painting pots, painting people : late Neolithic ceramics in ancient Mesopotamia / edited by Walter Cruells, Inna Mateiciucová, and Olivier Nieuwenhuyse
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Melanesia -- Congresses. : Lapita design, form and composition : proceedings of the Lapita Design Workshop, Canberra, Australia, December 1988 / edited by Matthew Spriggs
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Netherlands : Corded ware coastal communities : using ceramic analysis to reconstruct third millennium BC societies in the Netherlands / by Sandra Mariët Beckerman
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Oceania. : Lapita design, form and composition : proceedings of the Lapita Design Workshop, Canberra, Australia, December 1988 / edited by Matthew Spriggs
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Palestine : Bronze and Iron Age tombs at Tell Beit Mirsim / Sara Ben-Arieh ; with contributions by David Alon [and others]
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Polynesia -- Congresses. : Lapita design, form and composition : proceedings of the Lapita Design Workshop, Canberra, Australia, December 1988 / edited by Matthew Spriggs
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Southeast Asia. : Earthenware in Southeast Asia : proceedings of the Singapore Symposium on Premodern Southeast Asian Earthenwares / edited by John N. Miksic
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Sudan : Gematon : living and dying in a Kushite town on the Nile : Isabella Welsby Sjöström. Volume III : The pottery
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Tonga. : Early Tongan prehistory : the Lapita period on Tongatapu and its relationships / Jens Poulsen
Pottery, Prehistoric -- Turkey, Eastern : Nairi lands : the identity of the local communities of eastern Anatolia, South Caucasus and ... periphery during the late bronze and early iron age, a reassessment of the material culture and the socio-economic landscape / Guido Guarducci
Pottery -- Recycling -- Greece -- Congresses : Pottery in the archaeological record : Greece and beyond : acts of the international colloquium held at the Danish and Canadian Institutes in Athens, June 20-22, 2008 / edited by Mark L. Lawall & John Lund
Pottery, Renaissance -- Italy : The arts of fire : Islamic influences on glass and ceramics of the Italian Renaissance / edited by Catherine Hess ; with contributions by Linda Komaroff and George Saliba