Preventive emergency measures and programs designed to protect the individual or community in times of hostile attack
Preparedness -- Evaluation : Evaluating the reliability of emergency response systems for large-scale incident operations / Brian A. Jackson, Kay Sullivan Faith, Henry H. Willis
--subdivision Defenses under names of countries, etc; and subdivision Operational readiness under military services, e.g. United States--Armed Forces--Operational readiness
Preparedness -- Social aspects : Vorsorgen in der Moderne : Akteure, Räume und Praktiken / Nicolai Hannig, Malte Thießen
Prepori (Kayabi shaman) : Amazonian cosmopolitans : navigating a shamanic cosmos, shifting indigenous policies, and other modern projects / Suzanne Oakdale ; based on the accounts of Prepori and Sabino Kaiabi
Prepositions Chinese language : Linguistic analysis of meaning and syntactic change in the grammaticalization of Chinese prepositions : charting the constraints of locality on language development through three millennia of Chinese documents / Yongping Zhu ; with a foreword by Ken-ichi Takashima
Prepositions English language Middle English : Prepositions in Old and Middle English : a study of prepositional syntax and the semantics of at, in and on in some Old and Middle English texts / Tom Lundskær-Nielsen
Prepositions English language Middle English, 1100-1500 : Prepositions in Old and Middle English : a study of prepositional syntax and the semantics of at, in and on in some Old and Middle English texts / Tom Lundskær-Nielsen
Prepositions English language Old English, ca 450-1100 : Prepositions in Old and Middle English : a study of prepositional syntax and the semantics of at, in and on in some Old and Middle English texts / Tom Lundskær-Nielsen