Here are entered works on archaeological activity carried out at a site or sites scheduled for demolition, usually in connection with new construction, and entailing exploration, identification and assessment of archaeological remains and, where possible, their recovery and preservation
Preventive dentistry -- United States. : Public policy options for better dental health : report of a study / Division of Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine
Preventive detention -- Canada : La détention avant jugement au Canada : une pratique controversée / sous la direction de Marion Vacheret et Fernanda Prates
Preventive detention -- Germany : Sicherungsverwahrung - wissenschaftliche Basis und Positionsbestimmung : Was folgt nach dem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts vom 04.05.2011? / J.L. Müller [and four others], (Hrsg.) ; mit Beiträgen von H.J. Albrecht [and twenty others]
Preventive detention -- Malaysia : The use of preventive detention laws in Malaysia : a case for reform / M. Ehteshamul Bari, Safia Naz
Preventive detention -- Mexico -- Nuevo León (State) : El uso de la prisión preventiva en Nuevo León : estudio cuantitativo / diseño de la investigación, Kathryn Fahnestock ; investigadores, Patricia Hernández, Javier Carrasco ; autor del reporte, Miguel La Rota
Preventive health services -- Caribbean Area : Promoting Healthy Living in Latin America and the Caribbean : Governance of Multisectoral Activities to Prevent Risk Factors for Noncommunicable Diseases