Priests -- England -- Early works to 1800 : A Treatise of equivocation : wherein is largely discussed the question whether a Catholicke or any other person before a magistrate beyng demaunded uppon his oath whether a Preiste were in such a place, may (notwthstanding his perfect knowledge to the contrary) wthout periury and securely in conscience answere, No, wth this secreat meaning reserued in his mynde, that he was not there so that any man is bounde to detect it / edited by David Jardine
Priests -- France -- Interviews : L'impertinent du Cambodge : entretiens avec François Ponchaud, homme de foi / par Dane Cuypers
Priests -- France -- Marseille -- Biography : Père Marie-Benoît and Jewish rescue : how a French priest together with Jewish friends saved thousands during the Holocaust / Susan Zuccotti
Priests -- Germany : Wehrmacht priests : Catholicism and the Nazi war of annihilation / Lauren Faulkner Rossi
Priests -- Greece -- Congresses : Civic priests : cult personnel in Athens from the Hellenistic period to late antiquity / edited by Marietta Horster and Anja Klöckner
Priests -- History : Men in the middle : local priests in early Medieval Europe / edited by Steffen Patzold and Carine van Rhijn
Priests in literature : Holy men and charlatans in the ancient novel / edited by Stelios Panayotakis, Gareth Schmeling, and Michael Paschalis
Priests in literature -- Congresses : Holy men and charlatans in the ancient novel / edited by Stelios Panayotakis, Gareth Schmeling, and Michael Paschalis
Priests -- Mali : À l'ombre du soleil : funérailles et intronisation du Hogon d'Arou = Im Schatten der Sonne : Begräbnisfeier und intronisation für den Hogon von Arou / réalisation Nadine Wanono, Philippe Lourdou ; directrice de production, Brigitte Lécuyer ; produit par La Sept Arte & Sodaperaga
Priests -- Marriage : Married priests in the Catholic Church / edited by Adam A. J. DeVille