Private Finanzplanung. : The aftershock investor : a crash course in staying afloat in a sinking economy / David Wiedemer, Robert A. Wiedemer, Cindy Spitzer
Private flying -- Government policy : United States civil space policy : summary of a workshop / Molly K. Macauley and Joseph K. Alexander, rapporteurs ; Space Studies Board and Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Private flying -- Government policy -- United States -- Congresses : United States civil space policy : summary of a workshop / Molly K. Macauley and Joseph K. Alexander, rapporteurs ; Space Studies Board and Aeronautics and Space Engineering Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Private flying -- Guidebooks : An aviator's field guide to middle-altitude flying : practical skills and tips for flying between 10,000 and 25,000 feet MSL / Jason Blair
Private forests -- Europe -- Accounting : Guidelines for establishing farm forestry accountancy networks : MOSEFA (Monitoring the socio-economic situation of European farm forestry) : European Commission concerted action FAIR CT96 1414 / edited by A. Niskanen, W. Sekot
Private forests -- Management : Plantations, privatization, poverty and power : changing ownership and management of state forests / edited by Mike Garforth and James Mayers
Here are entered general works on endowed institutions, endowment funds and donations to such funds. Works on the legal structure of endowments are entered under the heading Charitable uses, trusts, and foundations --subdivision Endowments under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of corporate bodies and disciplines, e.g. Arts--Endowments; Harvard University--Endowments