Prize courts -- China : Judgments of the High Prize Court of the Republic of China : with an appendix containing Prize Court Rules, detailed rules of the High Prize Court, regulations governing capture at sea, and regulations governing the safe-keeping of captured property in the naval warehouse / translated by F.T. Cheng
Prize courts -- Great Britain -- Cases : Reports of prize cases determined in the High Court of Admiralty : before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals in Prize Causes : and before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, from 1745 to 1859 / edited by E.S. Roscoe
Prize courts -- New York (State) -- Cases : Prize cases in New York : letter from the Secretary of the Navy, in answer to a resolution of the House, of the 15th instant, relative to the disposition of prize cases in New York
Prize law -- Bibliography : List of some briefs in appeal causes which relate to America tried before the Lords Commissioners of Appeals of Prize Causes of His Majesty's Privy Council, 1736-1758 / by Paul Leicester Ford
Prize law -- Congresses : Property, piracy and punishment : Hugo Grotius on war and booty in De iure praedae : concepts and contexts / edited by Hans W. Blom
Prize law -- Great Britain -- Forms : Notes on the principles and practice of prize courts / by Judge Story ; with a selection of documents and forms as used in the High Court of Admiralty of England, edited by Frederic Thomas Pratt
Prize law -- Great Britain -- History : Balancing strategy : seapower, neutrality, and prize law in the Seven Years' War / Anna Brinkman (King's College London)
Prize law -- New York (State) -- Cases : Reports of cases in prize : argued and determined in the Circuit and District Courts of the United States, for the Southern District of New York, 1861-'65 / by Samuel Blatchford
Any of six international prizes awarded annually for outstanding work in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, economics and the promotion of peace
Prize poems Harrow School : Prolusiones praemiis anniversariis dignatae et in auditorio recitatae scholae harroviensis vi. non. jul. MDCCCLVII
Prizes and prize money. : Steamer Virginius. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting documents and correspondence relative to the capture of the steamer Virginius, and proceedings subsequent thereto. January 5, 1874. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed
Prizes, etc United States History Revolution, 1775-1783 : Sundry documents, copied from the original, relative to the claim of Gideon Olmsted against the commonwealth of Pennsylvania : respectfully submitted to the consideration of the members of the legislature of said commonwealth
Prizes (Property captured at sea) -- China -- Cases : Judgments of the High Prize Court of the Republic of China : with an appendix containing Prize Court Rules, detailed rules of the High Prize Court, regulations governing capture at sea, and regulations governing the safe-keeping of captured property in the naval warehouse / translated by F.T. Cheng
Prizes (Property captured at sea) Law and legislation -- See Prize law
Prizes (Property captured at sea) -- United States : A summary of practice in instance, revenue and prize causes : in the Admiralty Courts of the United States, for the Southern District of New-York ; and also on appeal to the Supreme Court : together with the rules of the District Court / by Samuel R. Betts