Program trading (Securities) -- Switzerland : Volume based portfolio strategies : analysis of the relationship between trading activity and expected returns in the cross-section of Swiss stocks / Alexander Brändle
Encouraging consumer behaviors most likely to optimize health potentials (physical and psychosocial) through health information, preventive programs, and access to medical care
programa de asistencia a los trabajadores. : Employment and health benefits : a connection at risk / Committee on Employer-Based Health Benefits, Division of Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine ; Marilyn J. Field and Harold T. Shapiro, editors
programa de ayuda. : Development aid : a fresh look / edited by George Mavrotas and Mark McGillivray
programa de formación. : Pushing ahead with reform in Korea : labour market and social safety-net policies
Programa de Incentivos a Docentes-Investigadores (Argentina) : Culturas evaluativas : impactos y dilemas del Programa de Incentivos a Docentes-Investigadores en Argentina (1993-2018) / Fernanda Biegel, Fabiana Bekerman ; Víctor Algañaraz (and six others)
Programa Latinoamericano de Actividades en Población. / : Programas de docencia en población en América Latina : inventario de instituciones 1986-1987 / PROLAP, Programa Latinoamericano de Actividades en Población