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Propaganda, Anti-Japanese -- China : News under fire : China's propaganda against Japan in the English-language press, 1928-1941 / Shuge Wei  2017 1
Propaganda, Anti-Russian.   4
Propaganda, Anti-Russian -- Great Britain : British propaganda and news media in the cold war / John Jenks  2006 1
Propaganda, Anti-Soviet   2
Propaganda, Anti-Soviet -- China. : Some questions concerning modern revisionist literature in the Soviet Union  1966 1
Propaganda, Anti-Soviet -- Germany.   2
Propaganda, Anti-Soviet -- History -- Sources : Kramola--inakomyslie v SSSR pri Khrushcheve i Brezhneve, 1953-1982 gg. English.  2011 1

Propaganda, Anti-Spanish -- See Also the narrower term Black Legend (Spanish history)

Propaganda, Anti-Ukrainian : Wie funktioniert Putins Propaganda? : Anmerkungen zum Informationskrieg des Kremls / Mykola Davydiuk ; aus dem Ukrainischen übersetzt von Christian Weise  2021 1
Propaganda, Anti-Ukrainian -- Russia (Federation)   2
Propaganda, Arab.   4
Propaganda, Arab -- History -- 20th century : Shared land/conflicting identity : trajectories of Israeli and Palestinian symbol use / Robert C Rowland and David A. Frank  2002 1

Propaganda, Arabic -- See Propaganda, Arab

Propaganda -- Argentina : Mañana es San Perón : a cultural history of Perón's Argentina / Mariano Ben Plotkin ; translated by Keith Zahniser  2003 1
Propaganda (Aspectos Psicologicos) : Advertising psychology and research : an introductory book / by Darrell Blaine Lucas and Steuart Henderson Britt  1950 1
Propaganda, Australian. : The man Japan calls God / by W.J. Thomas  1949? 1
Propaganda, Australian -- 1945-1965 : A call to the people of Australia  1955? 1
Propaganda, Australian -- History -- 20th century. : Blue pencil warriors : censorship and propaganda in World War II / John Hilvert  1984 1
Propaganda -- Baltic States : Information wars in the Baltic states : Russia's long shadow / Janis Chakars, Indra Ekmanis, editors  2022 1
Propaganda, Belgian : Selling the Congo : a History of European Pro-Empire Propaganda and the Making of Belgian Imperialism  2012 1
Propaganda, Belgian -- History -- 20th century : Selling the Congo : a History of European Pro-Empire Propaganda and the Making of Belgian Imperialism  2012 1
Propaganda -- Biblical teaching   2
Propaganda -- Bibliography : Propaganda, communication, and public opinion a comprehensive reference guide [by] Bruce Lannes Smith, Harold D. Lasswell, and Ralph D. Cassy  1946 1
Propaganda Brazil : Brazilian propaganda : legitimizing an authoritarian regime / Nina Schneider  2014 1
Propaganda Brazil History Revolution, 1964 : Revolution in the terra do sol : the Cold War in Brazil / Sarah Sarzynski  2018 1
Propaganda, British   34
Propaganda, British -- Australia. : British imperial propaganda in Australian schools, 1900-1930 / Bob Bessant  1995 1
Propaganda, British -- Europe -- History -- 20th century   2
Propaganda, British -- France : British propaganda to France, 1940-1944 : machinery, method and message / Tim Brooks  2007 1
Propaganda, British -- France -- History -- 20th century : Aerial propaganda and the wartime occupation of France, 1914-18 / Bernard Wilkin  2017 1
Propaganda, British -- Germany. : The black game : British subversive operations against the Germans during the Second World War / Ellic Howe  1982 1
Propaganda, British -- Great Britain. : The British people and World War II : Home Intelligence reports on opinion and morale, 1940-1944 / Ministry of Information ; introduction by Paul Addison  1979 1
Propaganda, British -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century. : The echo of war : home front propaganda and the wartime BBC, 1939-45 / Siân Nicholas  1996 1
Propaganda, British -- History.   4
Propaganda, British -- History -- 15th century : The black legend of Prince Rupert's dog : witchcraft and propaganda during the English Civil War / Mark Stoyle  2011 1
Propaganda, British -- History -- 17th century   4
Propaganda, British -- History -- 18th century : Youth, heroism and war propaganda : Britain and the young maritime hero, 1745-1820 / D.A.B. Ronald  2015 1
Propaganda, British -- History -- 19th century.   2
Propaganda, British -- History -- 20th century.   13
Propaganda, British -- History -- Sources : Empire and popular culture. Volume II / edited by John Griffiths  2022 1
Propaganda, British -- Malaya : Emergency propaganda : the winning of Malayan hearts and minds, 1948-1958 / Kumar Ramakrishna  2002 1
Propaganda, British -- United States -- History -- 20th century   4
Propaganda -- Canada -- History -- 20th century : Un siècle de propagande? : information, communication, marketing gouvernemental / Robert Bernier ; préface de Gary Evans  2001 1
Propaganda, Canadian.   4
Propaganda, Canadian -- History -- 20th century : The information front : the Canadian Army and news management during the second World War / Timothy Balzer  2011 1

Propaganda, Capitalist -- See Also Propaganda, Anti-communist

Propaganda, Capitalist.   3
Propaganda -- Case studies.   3
Propaganda Chiapas (Mexico) History Peasant Uprising, 1994- : The zapatista "social netwar" in Mexico / David Ronfeldt [and others]  1998 1
Propaganda -- China.   10
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