Proteomics -- Automation : Automation in proteomics and genomics : an engineering case-based approach / editors, Gil Alterovitz, Roseann Benson, Marco Ramoni
Proteomics -- Patents : Patenting proteomics : patentability and scope of protection of three-dimensional protein structure claims under German, European, and US Law / Martina Schuster
Proteomics -- Textbooks : Introduction to proteomics : principles and applications / Nawin Mishra
Proteomics -- trends : Peptidomics : methods and applications / edited by Mikhail Soloviev, Chris Shaw, Per Andrén
Proteomics -- United States -- Patents : Reaping the benefits of genomic and proteomic research : intellectual property rights, innovation, and public health / Stephen A. Merrill and Anne-Marie Mazza, editors
Proteomik. : 2D PAGE : sample preparation and fractionation / edited by Anton Posch
Protéomique -- Informatique. : Bioinformatics and the cell : modern computational approaches in genomics, proteomics, and transcriptomics / by Xuhua Xia
Disorders caused by imbalances in the PROTEIN HOMEOSTASIS network - synthesis, folding, and transport of proteins; post-translational modifications; and degradation or clearance of misfolded proteins
Disorders caused by imbalances in the PROTEIN HOMEOSTASIS network - synthesis, folding, and transport of proteins; post-translational modifications; and degradation or clearance of misfolded proteins
Disorders caused by imbalances in the PROTEIN HOMEOSTASIS network - synthesis, folding, and transport of proteins; post-translational modifications; and degradation or clearance of misfolded proteins
Proteostasis -- immunology : HSF1 and molecular chaperones in biology and cancer / Marc Laurence Mendillo, David Pincus, Ruth Scherz-Shouval, editors