Protestant converts -- Australia -- Biography. : Breaking the fetters : how I left the Church of my fathers ; the romance of a monk and a maid / by John Enright ; with a foreword by William Touchell
The name given to all Christian denominations, sects, or groups rising out of the Reformation. Protestant churches generally agree that the principle of authority should be the Scriptures rather than the institutional church or the pope. (from W.L. Reese, Dictionary of Philosophy and Religion, 1999)
Here are entered works on the modern Protestant movement originating in early 20th century America opposed to religious liberalism, modernism, and evolutionism and stressing the "Fundamentals" of Biblical inerrancy, literal interpretation, the divinity of Christ, his Virgin Birth, the substitutionary Atonement, and his physical Resurrection and Second Coming. Works on Protestant churches of the fundamentalist type and on fundamentalist congregations for which a particular denomination cannot be identified are entered under Fundamentalist churches. Works on religious groups opposed to modernity and secularism and seeking a revival of orthodox or conservative religious beliefs and practices by fostering growth of religious fervor in the populace and by curtailing or eradicating the influence of felt alien values are entered under Religious fundamentalism
Protestant Orphan Society (Dublin, Ireland) / : The Protestant Orphan Society and its social significance in Ireland, 1828-1940 / June Cooper