Prothèses -- Aspect physiologique. : The bionic human : health promotion for people with implanted prosthetic devices / edited by Frank E. Johnson, Katherine S. Virgo ; associate editors, Terry Lairmore, Riccardo Audisio ; foreword by Arthur E. Baue
Prothèses internes -- Aspect physiologique. : The bionic human : health promotion for people with implanted prosthetic devices / edited by Frank E. Johnson, Katherine S. Virgo ; associate editors, Terry Lairmore, Riccardo Audisio ; foreword by Arthur E. Baue
Prothèses totales du genou. : Revision total knee arthroplasty / James V. Bono, Richard D. Scott, editors ; forewords by Chitranjan S. Ranawat and Roderick H. Turner
Constituent composed of protein and phospholipid that is widely distributed in many tissues. It serves as a cofactor with factor VIIa to activate factor X in the extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation
Protien Conformation : Introduction to protein structure / Carl Branden, John Tooze
Protiens : Introduction to protein structure / Carl Branden, John Tooze
Protista -- Ecology : Protist diversity and geographical distribution / edited by W. Foissner and David L. Hawksworth
Protista, Fossil : Evolutionary classification and English-based nomenclature in Cretaceous planktic foraminifera / editors, M. Dan Georgescu and Charles M. Henderson (University of Calgary, Department of Geosciences, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Protista, Fossil -- Classification : Evolutionary classification and English-based nomenclature in Cretaceous planktic foraminifera / editors, M. Dan Georgescu and Charles M. Henderson (University of Calgary, Department of Geosciences, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Protista, Fossil -- Nomenclature : Evolutionary classification and English-based nomenclature in Cretaceous planktic foraminifera / editors, M. Dan Georgescu and Charles M. Henderson (University of Calgary, Department of Geosciences, Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Here are entered works on unicellular organisms having true nuclei (eukaryotes)
Protists. : Eukaryome impact on human intestine homeostasis and mucosal immunology : overview of the first Eukaryome Congress at Insitut Pasteur. Paris, October 16-18 2019 / Nancy Guillen, editor