Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Dedication; Contents; Acknowledgements; Preface; Chapter 1: The Models of Pre-university Learning; The Development of Creative Learning; Study Skills in Sixth Form Colleges; Selection for Higher Education; References; Chapter 2: Different Styles of Learning in Higher Education and their Effect on the Students; Expectation and Reality; The Student's Profile; The Need to Establish Identity; The Students' Perception of the Learning Process; The Reality of the Learning Experience; New Styles of Learning; Examples; How Imaginative Teaching is Rewarded
The Controversy of Rapid Reading CoursesThe Choice Between Divided and Group Methods; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5: Improving Learning Competence -- With Particular Reference To The University of Reading; An Eclectic Approach; The Variation in Policy Between Universities and Polytechnics; The Learning Resource Centre (LRC); The University Counsellor; The Development of Group Work; References; Chapter 6: The Problem for Overseas Students and for the Institutions where they Study; Is it Just a Language Problem?; Socio-cultural Problems; Nature and Extent of Language Problems
The Need for Remedial EnglishThe Native Speaker Norm; Conclusions; References; Chapter 7: Students with Specialised Learning Difficulties; Introduction; Overseas Students; The English Conversation Scheme; Post-graduate Students; Mature Students; Disabled Students; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8: Change in the Individual; The Effect of the Counsellor's Personality; The Problems of Society; The Role of the Specialist; The Lack of Community Provision; The Counsellor in General Practice; Counsellors in Specialised Units in the Community; Voluntary Counselling in the Community
Counselling in Higher EducationThe Need for Counsellors to be Specialised; Counselling Training Programmes; The Financial Justification for Counselling; Admission to Higher Education; The Present Position; The Teaching Staff's Perception of Counselling; Factors Affecting Counselling in Higher Education; The Limitations of Counselling; The Treatment of Emotional and Psychological Problems; The Students' Role in Increasing Motivation; Relationships; The Generation Gap; The Need for Counselling the Physically Handicapped; References; Chapter 9: Change in Higher Education Institutions
Includes bibliographical references and index
ReferencesChapter 3: The Criteria for 'Learning to Learn'; The Intellectual Development of the Student; Study Skills in the Sixth Form and Study Skills at College; The Development of the Student at University; Dimensions of Learning to Learn; The Link Between Content and Skills; The State of Learning to Learn at the Present Time; The Historic Development of Study Skills in the United States of America; Development in Britain; References; Chapter 4: Individual and Group Methods; The Objectives of Learning to Learn; Learning to Learn Methods that Are Practised in Educational Institutions
Institutional Factors that may Impede the Learning Process
Online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on January 29, 2020)