1. Understanding Millon's Theory -- 2. MCMI-III Composition -- 3. General Guidelines for Administering and Scoring -- 4. Interpretation: Validity and the Modifying Indices -- 5. Interpretation: Clinical and Severe Patterns (Axis II) -- 6. Interpretation: Clinical and Severe Syndromes (Axis I) -- 7. The Psychological Report: Scripting the Results -- App. A. MCMI-III Interpretative Report -- App. B. Case Vignettes -- App. C. Answers for Chapter Test Sections
The MCMI-III is the foremost personality assessment instrument in use today and has quickly become the instrument of choice among clinicians evaluating psychiatric patients. This book provides an excellent introduction to the instrument and teaches readers how to master the fundamentals of its use
Includes bibliographical references (pages 209-213) and index