Public Policy -- Congresses : Resilience in children, families, and communities : linking context to practice and policy / edited by Ray DeV. Peters, Bonnie Leadbeater, and Robert J. McMahon
Public Policy -- Congresses -- United States : Transforming clinical research in the United States : challenges and opportunities : workshop summary / Rebecca A. English, Yeanwoo Lebovitz, and Robert B. Giffin, rapporteurs ; Forum on Drug Discovery, Development, and Translation, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Public Policy / General. : Science and technology leadership in American government : ensuring the best presidential appointments / Panel on Presidentially Appointed Scientists and Engineers, Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy
Public Policy -- history [MESH] : The evolution of the British Welfare State : a history of social policy since the Industrial Revolution / Derek Fraser
Public policy (International law) -- Encyclopedias : Encyclopedia of public international law. 10, States - Responsibility of states - International law and municipal law / published under the auspices of the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law under the direction of Rudolf Bernhardt
Public policy (Islamic law) : Islam and the everyday world : public policy dilemmas / edited by Sohrab Behdad and Farhad Nomani
Public policy (Law) -- Congresses. : Comparative arbitration practice and public policy in arbitration / general editor, Pieter Sanders with the cooperation of the T.M.C. Asser Institute for International Law
Public policy (Law) -- Germany (West) : Nur das Beste fürs erste Lebensjahr : Pädiatrische Ansichten zur Säuglingsernährung im gesellschaftlichen Kontext der BRD 1960-1990