Public buildings -- Washington (D.C.) -- Planning -- Congresses : Working in Olmsted's shadow : guidance for developing a scope of services for the update of the master plan for the U.S. capitol and grounds / Committee to Provide Assistance to the Architect of the Capitol to Develop a Scope of Services for the Update of the Master Plan for the U.S. Capitol and Grounds, Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council
Here are entered works on tax-supported welfare activities. Works on privately supported welfare activities are entered under Charities. Works on the methods employed in social work, public or private, are entered under Social service. Works that discuss collectively the various policies, programs, services, and facilities to meet basic human needs relating to the quality of life, such as education, health, welfare, etc. are entered under Human services --subdivision Public welfare under ethnic groups and subdivision Civilian relief under individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Civilian relief
Here are entered works on freestanding buildings or stalls designed to provide toilets and washbasins for use by the general public. Works on rooms in office buildings, stores, restaurants, etc., equipped with toilets and washbasins for use by employees, customers, or visitors, are entered under Restrooms. Works on rooms in residential settings equipped with a bathtub or shower, and usually also a toilet and washbasin, are entered under Bathrooms
Public commentary. : Education Research and the Media : Challenges and Possibilities
Public contracts -- Auditing. : A review of the Central Artery/Tunnel Project's use of anchor bolts on the C05B1 tunnel finishes contract / Robert A. Cerasoli
Public contracts -- Australia -- New South Wales. : Report of the Royal Commission appointed on the 21st May, 1896, to make a diligent and full inquiry ... as to any improper conduct in connection with the contracts, past and present, of Messrs. Carter, Gummow and Company, John Carter, D.G. Snodgrass, George Maddison, Peter Ewing, F.M. Gummow, George Forrest, and James Gillan .
Public contracts -- Belgium : Le dialogue compétitif et les marchés publics complexes : La mise en œuvre du dialogue compétitif, étape par étape
Public contracts -- Brazil : Brazil infrastructure law / Marçal Justen Filho, Ceasar Pereira and Maria Augusta Rost (eds.)
Public contracts -- Case studies : Public procurement of energy efficiency services : lessons from international experience / Jas Singh [and others]
Public contracts -- Chile : Estudios de la OCDE sobre Gobernanza Pública Contratación Pública en Chile Opciones de Política para Convenios Marco Eficientes e Inclusivos
Public contracts -- Connecticut : Connecticut state set-aside program survey report of state purchasing agents / project under the direction of the Permanent Commission on the Status of Women, the Department of Administrative Services and the Department of Economic & Community Development