Here are entered works on the practice of law in a non-profit setting aimed at bettering society, including such activities as issue-oriented work for the purpose of influencing public policy, client-oriented work on behalf of individuals who are under-represented in the legal system, defending important rights belonging to a significant segment of the public, etc
Public interest law -- Asia -- Congresses : The role of lawyers in access to justice : Asian and comparative perspectives / edited by Helena Whalen-Bridge (National University of Singapore)
Public interest -- Medical care -- United States -- Congresses : Clinical data as the basic staple of health learning : creating and protecting a public good : workshop summary / Roundtable on Value & Science-Driven Health Care ; Claudia Grossmann [and others] ; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Here are entered works on radio programs aired by or on behalf of nonprofit or governmental organizations to promote the common well-being or general welfare of society. Works on radio programs about public policy or politics are entered under Public affairs radio programs
Here are entered works on television programs aired by or on behalf of nonprofit or governmental organizations to promote the common well-being or general welfare of society. Works about television programs about public policy or politics are entered under Public affairs television programs
Public interest -- United States -- Congresses. : Whistle blowing : the report of the Conference on Professional Responsibility / edited by Ralph Nader, Peter J. Petkas, and Kate Blackwell
Public international law: diplomatic law. : Japan's practice of international law / Hidehisa "Harry" Horinouchi, Ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands