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Book Cover
Author Nakassis, Dimitri, 1975-

Title Individuals and society in Mycenaean Pylos / by Dimitri Nakassis
Published Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston : Brill, 2013


Description 1 online resource
Series Mnemosyne supplements. History and archaeology of classical antiquity, 0169-8958 ; volume 358
Contents List of Figures; List of Tables; Acknowledgments; A Note on Mycenaean Names; Glossary and Abbreviations; Chapter One. Paupers and Peasants and Princes and Kings; 1.1. Putting Mycenaeans in Their Place; 1.2. From Roles to Individuals; 1.3. Rethinking Mycenaean Society: A Road Map; Chapter Two. From Proper Names to People Proper; 2.1. The Nature of the Pylian Documentation; 2.2. Naming the Pylians; 2.3. Previous Approaches; 2.4. Identifying the Pylians; 2.5. Discussion and Conclusions; Chapter Three. Smiths and Herders; 3.1. The Smiths of Pylos; 3.1.1. Recurring Names in the Jn Series
3.1.2. Smiths in the Cn Series3.1.3. Smiths and the o-ka Set; 3.1.4. Smiths and the ke-ro-si-ja; 3.1.5. Smiths and An 340; 3.1.6. Smiths and An 5; 3.1.7. Smiths and An 1281; 3.1.8. Smiths and An 172; 3.1.9. Smiths and Alum; 3.1.10. Smiths and the E- Series; 3.2. The Herders of Pylos; 3.2.1. Herders of Multiple Flocks; 3.2.2. Herding in Other Series; 3.2.3. Herders and the An Series; 3.2.4. Herders and the M- and N- Series; 3.2.5. Herders and the Sa Series; 3.2.6. Herders and the E- Series; 3.2.7. Herders and the Fn Series; 3.3. Conclusions; Chapter Four. Soldiers and Landowners
4.1. The o-ka Texts4.2. The Landholders of Pylos; 4.2.1. Landholders at pa-ki-ja-ne That Appear Elsewhere; 4.2.2. Landholders in the Ea Series; 4.2.3. Landholders in the Es Series; 4.3. Individuals in the Fn Series; 4.4. Individuals in the Qa Series; 4.5. Individuals in the Mb and Mn Series; 4.6. Individuals in the Na and Nn Series; 4.7. Individuals in the Vn Series; 4.8. Individuals in the Ua, Ub, and Un Series; 4.9. Conclusions; Chapter Five. From Social Structure to Social Activity; 5.1. Individuals from Names; 5.2. The People of Pylos; 5.3. Ranking the Pylians
5.4. Defining the Mycenaean Elite5.5. Individuals and the State; 5.6. Theorizing the Individual; 5.7. Individuals in History; 5.8. Rethinking Pylian Society; Appendix. A Prosopography of Mycenaean Pylos; a; a2; a3; au; da; de; di; do; du; e; i; ja; jo; ka; ke; ki; ko; ku; ma; me; mi; mo; mu; na; ne; ni; no; nu; o; pa; pe; pi; po; pte; pu; pu2; qa; qe; qi; qo; ra; re; ri; ro; ru; sa; se; si; so; su; ta; te; ti; to; tu; u; wa; we; wi; wo; ze; zo; *34; *82; Works Cited; Index of Subjects; Index of Sources
Summary This book revises our understanding of Mycenaean society through a detailed prosopographical analysis of individuals attested in the administrative texts from the Palace of Nestor at Pylos in southwestern Greece, ca. 1200 BC
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes Print version record
Subject Civilization, Mycenaean.
Inscriptions, Linear B -- Greece -- Pylos
Prosopography -- Greece -- Pylos
Social structure -- Greece -- Pylos -- History -- To 1500
HISTORY -- Ancient -- Greece.
Civilization, Mycenaean
Inscriptions, Linear B
Social structure
Myceense cultuur.
Pylos (Greece)
Greece -- Pylos
Genre/Form History
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9004251464