A quantitative prediction of the biological, ecotoxicological or pharmaceutical activity of a molecule. It is based upon structure and activity information gathered from a series of similar compounds
Here are entered general works solely on the preparation of food in large quantities. Works on the preparation, delivery, and serving of ready-to-eat foods in large quantities outside of the home are entered under Food service
Here are entered works on the preparation, delivery, and serving of ready-to-eat foods in large quantities outside of the home. General works solely on the preparation of food in large quantities are entered under Quantity cooking --subdivision Food service under types of institutions, organized activities, etc., for provisions for meals and food in those enterprises, e.g. Airlines--Food service; Hospitals--Food service
Quantização geométrica. : The breadth of symplectic and Poisson geometry : festschrift in honor of Alan Weinstein / Jerrold E. Marsden, Tudor S. Ratiu, editors
Quantization : Schaum's Calculus Supplementary Problem 43.16 Video Solution / David Rader