Rabbinical courts -- United States : Sharia tribunals, rabbinical courts, and Christian panels : religious arbitration in America and the West / Michael J. Broyde
Rabbinical literature -- Comparative studies : Libraries, translations, and 'canonic' texts : the Septuagint, Aquila, and Ben Sira in the Jewish and Christian traditions / by Giuseppe Veltri
Rabbinische Literatur Ausländer Motiv : The stranger in ancient and mediaeval Jewish tradition : papers read at the first meeting of the JBSCE, Piliscsaba, 2009 / edited by Géza G. Xeravits and Jan Dušek
Rabbinische Literatur -- Motiv -- Ausländer. : The stranger in ancient and mediaeval Jewish tradition : papers read at the first meeting of the JBSCE, Piliscsaba, 2009 / edited by Géza G. Xeravits and Jan Dušek
Rabbinsk judendom. : "Follow the wise" : studies in Jewish history and culture in honor of Lee I. Levine / edited by Zeev Weiss [and others]
Rabbinsk judendom -- konferenser. : Rabbinic perspectives : rabbinic literature and the Dead Sea scrolls : proceedings of the eighth International Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Associated Literature, 7-9 January, 2003 / edited by Steven D. Fraade, Aharon Shemesh & Ruth A. Clements
Rabbis -- Australia -- Victoria. : The enduring remnant : the first 150 years of the Melbourne Hebrew Congregation 1841-1991 / Joseph Aron and Judy Arndt