Railroad trains -- Patents : Argument of William Whiting, Esq. in the case of Ross Winans v. Orsamus Eaton et al : for an alleged infringement of his patent for the eight-wheel railroad car, before the Hon. Samuel Nelson, justice of the United States Circuit Court for the Northern District of New York / phonographically reported by Arthur Cannon
Railroad trains -- South Africa : Frugal traveler : hop on South Africa's scenic night train in 360 / produced by the New York Times ; producer, Jean Yves Chainon
Railroad travel -- Africa. : Da huo che wang Niu Ao Fei : shi shang zui tie jin da zi ran feng wei de 10 tiao lie che lu xian / wen, she ying Yingjing Kuan ; [yi zhe Liu Min]
Railroad travel -- Canada : Seeing Canada. The Northwest Territories and Alberta to British Columbia by rail / director/producer/writer Brandy Yanchyk
Railroad travel -- Case studies : Blue Train : developing a marketing approach for the South African luxury rail travel experience / Jashim Uddin Ahmed, Tasnim Tarannum, Quazi Tafsirul Islam, Anisur Rahman Faroque, Asma Ahmed
Railroad travel -- Chile : El tren popular de la cultura / una producción de Sociedad Sonora ; guión y dirección, Carolina Espinoza
Railroad travel -- China -- Drama. : Shanghai Express / a Paramount picture ; Adolf Zukor presents ; directed by Josef von Sternberg ; screen play by Jules Furthman