Reader-response criticism Bible Daniel : Contextual biblical hermeneutics as multicentric dialogue : towards a Singaporean reading of Daniel / by Chin Ming Stephen Lim
Reader-response criticism Bible Numbers, XI, 1-XX, 13 : Mit Israel auf dem Weg durch die Wüste : eine leserorientierte Exegese der Rebellionstexte in Exodus 15:22-17:7 und Numeri 11:1-20:13 / von Christian Kupfer
Readers -- 1500-1799 : Joh. Amos Comenii Orbis sensualium pictus, hoc est, Omnium principalium in mundo rerum, & in vita actionum, pictura & nomenclatura = Joh. Amos Comenius's Visible world, or A nomenclature and pictures of all the chief things that are in the world and of men's employments therein / translated into English by Charles Hoole
Readers -- Aboriginal Australians -- Rites and ceremonies : Warrma Gurrinan = Gurrina's corroboree / ... by Wanyarra Roy Banning ; and illustrated by Guginy Frank McLeod ; produced and researched by Galgam Ashley Coleman and Bina Michael Quinn
Readers -- Aborigines, Australian -- Folklore : Warrma Gurrinan = Gurrina's corroboree / ... by Wanyarra Roy Banning ; and illustrated by Guginy Frank McLeod ; produced and researched by Galgam Ashley Coleman and Bina Michael Quinn
Readers -- Aborigines, Australian -- Rites and ceremonies : Warrma Gurrinan = Gurrina's corroboree / ... by Wanyarra Roy Banning ; and illustrated by Guginy Frank McLeod ; produced and researched by Galgam Ashley Coleman and Bina Michael Quinn
--subdivision Readers for new literates under individual languages other than English and under groups of languages, e.g. French language--Readers for new literates