Reconstruction (1914-1939) -- Sources. : Two peacemakers in Paris : the Hoover-Wilson post-armistice letters, 1918-1920 / edited and with commentaries by Francis William O'Brien
Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Congresses : Americanization and its limits : reworking US technology and management in post-war Europe and Japan / edited by Jonathan Zeitlin and Gary Herrigel
Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Czechoslovakia : Osvobozené Československo očima britské diplomacie : (zprávy britské ambasády z Prahy v roce 1945) / Jan Kuklík, Jan Němeček ; Martin Kovář, Vít Smetana, recenzenti ; Marie Bernardová, redakce ; Zdeněk Ziegler, grafická úprava
Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Germany -- Berlin -- Drama : Die mörder sind unter uns = The murderers are among us / DEFA Deutsche Film A.-G. zeigt im verleih der Sovexportfilm Berlin ; den Wolfgang Staudte Film ; Buch und Regie, Wolfgang Staudte
Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Great Britain -- Exhibitions : Visions of reconstruction 1940-1948 : planning the engineered infrastructure for a post-war economy : windows on the view from Great George Street / exhibition and subject guide prepared by Robert Baldwin ; with chapters by Michael Chrimes and Sir Peter Baldwin
Reconstruction (1939-1951) -- Pacific Area -- Congresses. : War and peace in the Pacific : a preliminary report of the eighth conference of the Institute of Pacific Relations on wartime and post-war co-operation of the United Nations in the Pacific and the Far East, Mont Tremblant, Quebec, December 4-14, 1942