Refugees -- Vietnam -- History -- 20th century : After Saigon's fall : refugees and US-Vietnamese relations, 1975-2000 / Amanda C. Demmer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Refugees -- Violence against -- Germany : Nach der "Willkommenskultur" : Geflüchtete zwischen umkämpfter Teilhabe und zivilgesellschaftlicher Solidarität / Samia Dinkelaker, Nikolai Huke, Olaf Tietje (Hg.)
Refugees -- Western countries : Sanctuary practices in international perspectives : migration, citizenship and social movements / edited by Randy Lippert, Sean Rehaag
Refugees -- Western Sahara. : War and refugees : the Western Sahara conflict / edited by Richard Lawless and Laila Monahan
Refugees World War, 1914-1918 Great Britain : Colonial, refugee and allied civilians after the First World War : immigration restriction and mass repatriation / Jacqueline Jenkinson
Refugees World War, 1914-1918 Lithuania : Population displacement in Lithuania in the twentieth century : experiences, identities and legacies / edited by Tomas Balkelis, Violeta Davoliūtė
Refugees World War, 1939-1945 Africa, East : On the edges of Whiteness : Polish refugees in British colonial Africa during and after the Second World War / Jochen Lingelbach
Refugees World War, 1939-1945 Austria : Refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe in British overseas territories / edited by Swen Steinberg, Anthony Grenville
Refugees World War, 1939-1945 Congresses : War, internment and mass migration : the Italo-Australian experience, 1940-1990 / edited by Richard Bosworth and Romano Ugolini