A field of medicine concerned with developing and using strategies aimed at repair or replacement of damaged, diseased, or metabolically deficient organs, tissues, and cells via TISSUE ENGINEERING; CELL TRANSPLANTATION; and ARTIFICIAL ORGANS and BIOARTIFICIAL ORGANS and tissues
Regenerative Energie : Electricity distribution networks : investment and regulation, and uncertain demand / Tooraj Jamasb and Cristiano Marantes
Regenerative medicine -- Cross-cultural studies : The global politics of human embryonic stem cell science : regenerative medicine in transition / by Herbert Gottweis, Brian Salter and Catherine Waldby
Regenerative medicine -- Encyclopedias : Encyclopedia of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine / editor in chief, Rui L. Reis ; associate editor in chief, Manuela E. Gomes
Regenerative medicine -- Research : The nano revolution. Episode 1, More than human? / ARTE France, Docside Production, CBC, NHK present ; a film written and directed by Olivier Julien
Regenerative medicine -- Social aspects : The global dynamics of regenerative medicine : a social science critique / edited by Andrew Webster, University of York, UK
Regenerative Medicine -- standards : Navigating the manufacturing process and ensuring the quality of regenerative medicine therapies : proceedings of a workshop / Ariel Markowitz-Shulman, Sioghan Addie, Meredith Hackmann, Joe Alper, and Sarah H. Beachy, rapporteurs ; Forum on Regenerative Medicine, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Health and Medicine Division, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine
A field of medicine concerned with developing and using strategies aimed at repair or replacement of damaged, diseased, or metabolically deficient organs, tissues, and cells via TISSUE ENGINEERING; CELL TRANSPLANTATION; and ARTIFICIAL ORGANS and BIOARTIFICIAL ORGANS and tissues
Regensburg (Germany) -- Church history : Die Regensburger Bischöfe von 1649 bis 1817. Die Bistümer der Kirchenprovinz Salzburg. Das Bistum Regensburg 1 / Karl Hausberger, Jasmin Hoven, Bärbel Kröger, Nathalie Kruppa, Christian Popp
Regensburg Reformation Germany : In his image and likeness : political iconography and religious change in Regensburg, 1500-1600 / Kristin Eldyss Sorensen Zapalac