Regional, state and other local government policies. : Public Health in Asia during the COVID-19 Pandemic Global Health Governance, Migrant Labour, and International Health Crises / Anoma van der Veere, Florian Schneider, Catherine Lo
Regional studies -- Asia -- Russia. : Russia as an aspiring great power in east Asia : perceptions and policies from Yeltsin to Putin / Paradorn Rangsimaporn
Regional studies -- Brazil. : Employment and development under globalization : state and economy in Brazil / Samuel Cohn
Regional studies -- China. : At home in the Chinese diaspora : memories, identities and belongings / edited by Kuah-Pearce Khun Eng and Andrew P. Davidson
Regional studies -- EU (European Union) : National interests and European integration : discourses and politics of Blair, Chirac and Schroder / Katrin Milzow
Regional studies -- Europe -- Canada. : Activating the citizen : dilemmas of participation in Europe and Canada / edited by Joan DeBardeleben and Jon H. Pammett
Regionala skillnader. : Paying for progress in China : public finance, human welfare and changing patterns of inequality / edited by Vivienne Shue and Christine Wong
Regionale Arbeitslosigkeit : Agglomeration and regional unemployment disparities : a theoretical analysis with reference to the European Union / Jens Südekum
Regionale Arbeitsteilung : Zentrum und Peripherie : zur Entwicklung der Arbeitsteilung in Europa / herausgegeben von Hans-Jürgen Vosgerau und Johann-Heinrich-von-Thünen-Vorlesung ; Heinz König, Innovation und Beschäftigung
Regionale Bevölkerungsentwicklung. : Mehr als Schrumpfung und Wachstum? Trends der demographischen Raumentwicklung in Deutschland nach 2011 Manuel Wolff, Annegret Haase, Tim Leibert ; Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZ, Department Stadt- und Umweltsoziologie
Regionale dagbladen. : Community journalism : relentlessly local / Jock Lauterer