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Book Cover
Author Mulsow, Martin

Title Between Philology and Radical Enlightenment : Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768)
Published Leiden : BRILL, 2011


Description 1 online resource (242 pages)
Series Brill's studies in intellectual history, 0920-8607 ; v. 203
Brill's studies in intellectual history ; v. 203. 0920-8607
Contents Preface; From Antiquarianism to Bible Criticism? Young Reimarus Visits the Netherlands; Edifying versus Rational Hermeneutics: Hermann Samuel Reimarus' Revision of Johann Adolf Hoffmann's 'Neue Erklarung des Buchs Hiob'; The Public Discourse of Hermann Samuel Reimarus and JohannLorenz Schmidt in the Hamburgische Berichte von GelehrtenSachen in 1736; Reimarus, the Cardinal, and the Remaking of Cassius Dio's Roman History; The Philosophical Context of Hermann Samuel Reimarus' RadicalBible Criticism; Living in the Enlightenment: The Reimarus Household Accounts of 1728-1780
Summary Drawing on new manuscript sources, this volume offers seven contributions on Hermann Samuel Reimarus, the most significant biblical critic in eighteenth-century Germany, as well as an eminent Enlightenment philosopher, a renowned classicist, and expert on Judaism
Notes Index of Names
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references and index
Notes English
Print version record
Subject Reimarus, Hermann Samuel, 1694-1768.
Reimarus, Hermann Samuel, 1694-1768
RELIGION -- Deism.
Form Electronic book
LC no. 2011028629
ISBN 9789004209954