Religion New Spain : Esplendores y miserias de la evangelizacion de America : antecedentes europeos y alteridad indígena / herausgegeben von Wulf Oesterreicher, Roland Schmidt-Riese
Religion New Spain 16th century : Coloniality, religion, and the law in the early Iberian world / Santa Arias and Raúl Marrero-Fente, editors
Religion Nigeria, Eastern : Mammy Water : in search of the water spirits in Nigeria / a co-production by Tandem Film & Sabine Jell-Bahlsen ; written & directed by Sabine Jell-Bahlsen
Religion North America 20th century : Millennium, messiahs, and mayhem : contemporary apocalyptic movements / edited by Thomas Robbins and Susan J. Palmer
Religion North Carolina : North Carolina in the 19th Century : the great ecclesiastical trial of J. Williams Thorne, representative from Warren County : who was expelled for opinion sake by the House of Representatives of North Carolina; on February 24th, 1875
Religion Northwest Coast of North America : Religion at the edge : nature, spirituality, and secularity in the Pacific Northwest / edited by Paul Bramadat, Patricia O'Connell Killen, and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme
Religion Northwest, Pacific : Religion at the edge : nature, spirituality, and secularity in the Pacific Northwest / edited by Paul Bramadat, Patricia O'Connell Killen, and Sarah Wilkins-Laflamme