A form of multiple sclerosis characterized by a progressive deterioration in neurologic function which is in contrast to the more typical relapsing remitting form. If the clinical course is free of distinct remissions, it is referred to as primary progressive multiple sclerosis. When the progressive decline is punctuated by acute exacerbations, it is referred to as progressive relapsing multiple sclerosis. The term secondary progressive multiple sclerosis is used when relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis evolves into the chronic progressive form. (From Ann Neurol 1994;36 Suppl:S73-S79; Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, pp903-914)
Remix : Bytes and backbeats : repurposing music in the digital age / Steve Savage
Remkiewicz, Frank. : Something about the author. Volume 152 : facts and pictures about authors and illustrators of books for young people / Susan Strickland, project editor
Remmel, William -- Correspondence : Like grass before the scythe : the life and death of Sgt. William Remmel, 121st New York Infantry / edited by Robert Patrick Bender
Remnant vegetation management. : Managing the bush : recent research findings from the EA/LWRRDC National Remnant Vegetation R&D Program / Jann Williams
Remnant vegetation management -- Australia -- Victoria -- West Gippsland : West Gippsland native vegetation plan : management priorities for protection and enhancement of remnants and the reconstruction of native vegetation communities : draft / prepared by the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority
Here are entered works on the technical aspects of home renovation. Works on the social and economic aspects of renovating homes of older residential areas are entered under Housing rehabilitation
Remodeling Architecture Austria : A New wave of Austrian architecture / pref. by Kenneth Frampton ; [editor, Kenneth Frampton ; translations from German to English by Michael Loudon ; portrait photos. by Margherita Krischanitz]
Remodeling Australian War Memorial Buildings : Redevelopment of Post 1945 Conflicts Galleries and Discovery Room for the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, ACT / House of Representatives, Parliamentary Standing Committe on Public Works