Remote sensing Conservation of natural resources : Water, land, and forest susceptibility and sustainability. Volume 1, Geospatial approaches and modeling / edited by Uday Chatterjee, Biswajeet Pradhan, Suresh Kumar, Sourav Saha, Mohammad Zakwan
Remote sensing Continental shelf Congresses : Remote sensing of shelf sea hydrodynamics : proceedings of the 15th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Hydrodynamics / edited by Jacques C.J. Nihoul
Remote sensing Deforestation : Real time deforestation detection using ANN and satellite images : the Amazon Rainforest study case / Thiago Nunes Kehl, Viviane Todt, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Silvio Cesar Cazella
Remote sensing Deforestation Amazon River Region : Real time deforestation detection using ANN and satellite images : the Amazon Rainforest study case / Thiago Nunes Kehl, Viviane Todt, Maurício Roberto Veronez, Silvio Cesar Cazella
Remote sensing Disaster relief : Proceedings of International Conference on Remote Sensing for Disaster Management : issues and challenges in disaster management / Peddada Jagadeeswara Rao, Kakani Nageswara Rao, Sumiko Kubo, editors
Remote sensing Disasters Congresses : Hazards watch : reducing the impacts of disasters through improved Earth observations : summary of a workshop, October 22, 2003, Washington, DC : a summary to the Disasters Roundtable / by Richard Sylves and Helen Wood
Remote sensing Droughts Slovakia : Agricultural drought in Slovakia : an impact assessment : NDVI and satellite based data / Veronika Zuzulová, Jaroslav Vido, Bernard Šiška
Remote sensing Earth movements : Remote sensing for characterization of geohazards and natural resources / Estelle Chaussard, Cathleen Jones, Jingyi Ann Chen, Andrea Donnellan, editors
Remote sensing Earth sciences Databases : Earth system monitoring : selected entries from the Encyclopedia of sustainability science and technology / John Orcutt, editor
Remote sensing Earth sciences United States : Blinded : the decline of U.S. earth monitoring capabilities and its consequences for national security / by Christine Parthemore and Will Rogers
Remote sensing Earth temperature : Validation and reconstruction of remote sensing land surface temperature products / Wenping Yu, Yuechen Li, Xujun Han, Lei Fan, Wei Zhou, Mingguo Ma, Weiyu Shi
Remote sensing Emergency management : Remote sensing and geographical information systems : environment risk prediction and safety / Rustam B. Rustamov
Remote sensing Engineering geology : Remote sensing and GIS for site characterization : applications and standards / V.H. Singhroy, D.D. Nebert, and A.I. Johnson, editors