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Title Forages and grazing in horse nutrition / edited by: Markku Saastamoinen, Maria João Fradinho, Ana Sofia Santos, Nicoletta Miraglia
Published Wageningen, The Netherlands : Wageningen Academic Publishers, ©2012


Description 1 online resource (509 pages) : illustrations
Series EAAP publication, 0071-2477 ; no. 132
EAAP publication ; no. 132.
Contents Part 1. Plant Physiology and Its Relation to Feeding Value. Grass physiology and its relation to nutritive value in feeding horses / P. Virkajärvi, K. Saarijärvi, M. Rinne and M. Saastamoinen -- Changes in chemical composition of different grass species and -mixtures in equine pasture during grazing season / S. Särkijärvi, O. Niemeläinen, R. Sormunen-Cristian and M. Saastamoinen -- Phytoestrogen coumestrol and its metabolite in mares' plasma after clover mixed pasture and alfalfa pellets ingestion / M. Botelho, M.R. Rebordão, A.M. Galvão, P. Pinto Bravo, K. Piotrowska-Tomala, [and others] -- Fermentation parameters and total gas production of equine caecal and faecal inocula / A.S. Santos, A.D. Cabo, S.M. Lima, L.M. Ferreira and M.A.M. Rodrigues -- White clover (Trifolium repens L.): do non-structural carbohydrates account? / J.P.F. Almeida -- Part 2. Nutritional Assessment of Forage Quality. Nutritional assessment of forage quality / A.C. Longland -- Prediction of organic matter digestibility of forages in horses using different chemical, biological and physical methods / W. Martin-Rosset, J. Andrieu, M. Jestin, D. Macheboeuf and D. Andueza -- Repeatability and reproducibility of digestibility measurements in horses fed forage based diets / A.G. Goachet, M. Varloud and V. Julliand -- The effect of three different treatments on the respirable particle content, total viable count and mould concentrations in hay for horses / M.J.S. Moore-Colyer and B.G. Fillery -- Degradation of grass and grass fructan by equine gastrointestinal digesta in vitro / A.C. Longland, J.C. Ince, M.J.S. Moore-Colyer and P.A. Harris -- Nitrogen digestion of a large range of hays by mobile nylon bag technique (MNBT) in horses / W. Martin-Rosset, D. Macheboeuf, C. Poncet and M. Jestin -- Evaluation of ADL, AIA and TiO₂ as markers to determine apparent digestibility in ponies fed increasing proportions of concentrate / F.J.W.C. Schaafstra, D.A. van Doorn, J.T. Schonewille, M.M.J. van Riet, P. Visser, [and others] -- The effect of steaming and soaking treatments on respirable dust content of hay and the potential environmental polluting impact of the waste water produced / E.L. Blundell, L.J. Adjei and C.V. Brigden -- The use of frozen equine faeces to assess the nutritional quality of forages using an in vitro gas production technique / J.M.D. Murray --
Part 3. Grazing / Ingesting Behaviour. Grazing systems and the role of horses in heathland areas / K. Osoro, L.M.M. Ferreira, U. García, R. Rosa García, A. Martínez, [and others] -- How do horses graze pastures and affect the diversity of grassland ecosystems? / G. Fleurance, N. Edouard, C. Collas, P. Duncan, A. Farruggia, [and others] -- The effect of pasture restriction on dry matter intake of foraging donkeys in the United Kingdom / S.J. Wood, D.G. Smith, C.J. Morriss and D. Cuddeford -- Variations in voluntary feed intake in 2 year old Standardbred geldings in training fed a forage only diet ad libitum / S. Ringmark and A. Jansson -- Effect of forage presentation on feed intake behaviour in stabled horses / A.D. Ellis, M. Fell, K. Luck, L. Gill, A. Gregory, [and others] -- The effect of wearing a grazing muzzle vs. not wearing a grazing muzzle on intakes of spring, summer and autumn pastures by ponies / A.C. Longland, C. Barfoot and P.A. Harris -- Inhibition of lamellar separation caused by endotoxins by Polymyxin B in an ex vivo/ in vitro model of equine laminitis / N. Reisinger, S. Schaumberger and G. Schatzmayr -- Acclimatisation of horses to a novel feeding system / J. Monot, N. Priymenko and B. Hampson -- Part 4. Grazing and Pasture Management. Grazing and pasture management considerations from around the world / R. Smith, K. Cotten, R. Allman, R. Watson, K. Sena, [and others] -- Farm grazing management with horses in two French grassland regions: Normandy and Auvergne / G. Bigot, G. Brétière, L. Viel, A. Célié, E. Perret, [and others] -- Grassland management practice on Irish Thoroughbred stud farms / F. McKenna, S. Kavanagh, M. O'Donovan and B. Younge -- Heavy grazing by horses on heathlands of different botanical composition / R. Celaya, L.M.M. Ferreira, U. García, R. Rosa García and K. Osoro -- Foraging behaviour of equines grazing on partially improved heathlands / L.M.M. Ferreira, R. Celaya, A.S. Santos, U. García, R. Rosa García, [and others] -- Effect of cultivated or semi-natural pasture on changes in live weight, body condition score, body measurements and fat thickness in grazing Finnhorse mares / S. Särkijärvi, T. Reilas, M. Saastamoinen, K. Elo, S. Jaakkola, [and others] --
Part 5. Impact of Harvest, Preservation and Storage Conditions on Forage Quality. Impact of harvest, preservation and storage conditions on forage quality / C.E. Müller -- Horse feed hygiene evaluation with microbial and sensory examination / T. Stickdorn, A.D. Ellis and E. Kienzle -- Effect of Vivaflor 03 on the colonic ecosystem of horses fed a high forage diet / A.G. Goachet, C. Berger and V. Julliand -- Effects of a deoxynivalenol contaminated diet on feed intake and health status in horses / A. Schulz, S. Döll, S. Dänicke, M. Coenen and I. Vervuert -- Aerobic stability of sugar cane in natura hydrolysed with calcium oxide to be used in equine diets / A.S.C. Rezende, R.M. Maurício, W.T.V. Carvallho, L.F. Moraes, J.M. Santiago, [and others] -- Nutritional composition of white oat (Avena sativa L.) with different levels of dry matter for use in the diet of horses / A.S.C. Rezende, G.P. Freitas, M.L.L. Costa, M.G. Fonseca, J. Lage, [and others] -- Effect of storage period on the chemical composition and beta-carotene concentration in estilosantes hay varieties for feeding equine / A.S.C. Rezende, M.L.L. Costa, V.P. Ferraz, G.R. Moreira, R. Silva de Moura, [and others] --
Part 6. Forage Feeding Systems. Forage feeding systems / A. Jansson, M. Saastamoinen and J.E. Lindberg -- Forage analyses as a base of feeding of horses / M.T. Saastamoinen and M. Hellämäki -- Effects of foaling season on growth and development of Lusitano suckling foals raised on extensive grazing systems / M.J. Fradinho, M.J. Correia, F. Beja, A. Rosa, F. Perestrello, [and others] -- Effects of traditional versus novel feeding management on 24 hour time budget of stabled horses / S. Hallam, E.P. Campbell, M. Qazamel, H. Owen and A.D. Ellis -- Effect of inoculation of laminitic-prone, equine faecal inocula with varying forage sources with or without live yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on in vitro gas production parameters / H.E. Warren and C. Hale -- Feeding forage before or after oats affects caecum pH profiles of the horse / R.B. Jensen, D. Austbø and A.-H. Tauson -- The usage of forage analyses in optimizing horse nutrition in Finland / R. Uotila, T. Thuneberg and M. Saastamoinen -- Blood glucose, lactate, urea, [beta]-hydroxybutyrate, NEFA and insulin in Norwegian trotter horses fed different diets / C. Brøkner, D. Austbø, J.A. Næsset, K.E. Bach Knudsen and A.H. Tauson -- Lusitano horses in Portugal without access to pasture are at risk of having low serum levels of vitamin E: a pilot study / C. Finno, L. Pardon Lamas, T. Costa e Curto and S. Spier -- Effect of yucca (Yucca schidigera) on ammonia levels from equine excreta in the stable / H.E. Warren and L. Codner -- Influence of fat supplementation on mare's milk composition / A.A.O. Gobesso, I.V.F. Gonzaga, F.M.P. Taran, R. Françoso, T.N. Centini, [and others] -- Effect of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids supplementation on development of equine and mule nursing foals / J.R. Ferreira, C.G. Moreira, F. Rodrigues, F.P. Taran, R. Françoso, [and others] --
Part 7. Forage Digestion and Utilization by Equids. The fermentation of hay and starch when incubated in vitro with faecal inoccula from either normal healthy horses or horses with a history of laminitis / C. Hale, H. Warren and A. Hemmings -- In vitro gas production from colon contents in electrolyte supplemented horses / F.A. Almeida, J.A. Martins, V.P. Silva, P. Trigo, M.B. Pereira, [and others] -- Effects of electrolyte supplementation on colonic contents and faeces in horses / P. Trigo, J.A. Martins, F.A. Almeida, V.P. Silva, J.F. Azevedo, [and others] -- Effect of the inclusion of ricinoleic acid from castor oil (Ricinus communis L.) in equine diet based on Bermuda grass hay: glycemic and insulinemic response / P.C. Nunes Gil, R. Françoso, T.N. Centini, J. Rodrigues Gandra and A.A.O. Gobesso -- Effect of the use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on apparent digestibility in horses diet / A.A.O. Gobesso, F.M.P. Taran, I.V.F. Gonzaga, R. Françoso, T.N. Centini, [and others] -- Effect of ricinoleic acid from castor oil (Ricinus communis L.) inclusion in equine diet on total apparent digestibility / P.C. Nunes Gil, R. Françoso, T.N. Centini, J. Rodrigues Gandra and A.A.O. Gobesso -- Part 8. Evaluating Body Condition. Relationship between body condition and neck crest score systems and subcutaneous fat, tissue and muscle ultrasonic measurements in horses / S.R. Silva, C.M. Guedes, P. Couto, A.S. Santos and P. Melo-Pinto -- Evaluation of body condition score in horses by ultrasonography / A.A.O. Gobesso, R. Françoso, R.A.D. Toledo, T.N. Centini, I.V.F. Gonzaga, [and others] -- Relationship between ultrasound subcutaneous fat depth, body condition score and body subcutaneous fat distribution in Miranda breed jennets / M. Quaresma, R. Payan and S.R. Silva --
Part 9. Management of Parasitism in Grazing Equids. Ethnoveterinary applied to Equidae in the Alentejo, south Portugal / N. Farinha, O. Póvoa and R. Santos -- A combined trial of chemotherapy and biological control measures against parasites in grazing horses / M. Arias, C. Cazapal-Monteiro, J. Suárez, S. Miguélez, M.E. López-Arellano, [and others] -- Effect of Duddingtonia flagrans chlamydospores on the control of parasite infection in grazing horses / C. Cazapal-Monteiro, M. Arias, J. Suárez, M.I. Rodríguez, I. Francisco, [and others] -- Parasite control in Miranda Donkeys as a way of keeping animal welfare / S. Sousa, M. Nóvoa, S. Mora, A. Paz Silva and L.M. Madeira de Carvalho -- Addition of Duddingtonia flagrans chlamydospores to the concentrate feed can improve the successful of control measures against strongyle infection in horses / L.M. Madeira de Carvalho, M. Arias, F.M.A. Bernardo, P. Serra, C. Farrim, [and others] -- Part 10. Sustainable Development of Rural Areas with Horses. Equids contribution to sustainable development in rural areas: a new challenge for the third millennium / N. Miraglia -- Socio-economic impact of horse production on rural areas: a comparison between Ireland and France / B. Younge and C. Vial -- Territories and grassland exploitation by horses in France / C. Vial, G. Bigot, B. Morhain and W. Martin-Rosset -- The Portuguese Garrano breed: an efficient and sustainable production system / A.S. Santos and L.M.M. Ferreira -- Quantitative assessment of enteric methane emission and nitrogen excretion by equines / W. Martin-Rosset, M. Vermorel and G. Fleurance -- Inorganic, soluble faecal phosphorus excretion in growing horses fed forage-only diets / G. Ögren, K. Holtenius and A. Jansson --
Part 11. Other Horse Topics. Effects of body weight restriction on blood and adipose tissue adipokines and macrophage activation in obese and insulin-resistant ponies / J. Ungru, M. Blüher, M. Coenen, J. Raila, D. Vermeulen, [and others] -- Study of the lymphocyte proliferation of neonate foals from mares supplemented with linseed oil and soybean oil / A.A.O. Gobesso, T.N. Centini, I.V.F. Gonzaga, F.M.P. Taran, C.O. Massoco, [and others]
Summary "Forages should be the basis of all diets in horse feeding. Therefore it is of major importance to determine which parameters will influence their quality. Changes on chemical composition along the vegetative cycle, nutrient losses during harvesting, preservation and storage are factors that could have an effect on nutritive value, as well on digestibility and palatability. A specific grazing and ingesting behaviour, linked to plant preferences and the selection of feeding sites will have an impact on biodiversity. This will determine the options on plant species and varieties and further management of pastures for horses. This book highlights the role of forages and grazing in horse nutrition and also gathers information about related topics, such as the contribution of local breeds for the sustainability and development of rural areas, their impact on landscape and relationships with environmental preservation. This book is the 6th volume in a scientific series conceived through the European Workshop on Equine Nutrition (EWEN) which falls under the umbrella of the Horse Commission of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). All these materials provide an interesting basis for further discussion, not only in specialized forums, but also for those involved in horse production."-- Taken from publisher website
Analysis Life sciences
Notes "It is with great pleasure that we have compiled this volume under the broad title Forages and grazing in horse nutrition, representing both invited and open papers presented in the Scientific Sessions of the 6th European Workshop on Equine Nutrition held in Lisbon, at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Technical University of Lisbon (Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária, UTL), from 20 to 22 June, 2012. The focus of the meeting was Feeding horses with forage based diets and impact of grazing systems on environment. This biannual meeting is held under the umbrella of the Horse commission of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) as a satellite of the annual meeting of EAAP. EWEN 2012 was also organized in conjunction with the Portuguese Equids Research Working Group (GTIE)."--Taken from Preface, page 13
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapter and index
Subject Horses -- Nutrition -- Congresses
Horses -- Nutrition -- Requirements -- Congresses
Horses -- Feeding and feeds -- Congresses
Nutrition -- Requirements.
Animal Feed
Animal Nutritional Physiological Phenomena
Nutritional Requirements
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING -- Agriculture -- Animal Husbandry.
Horses -- Feeding and feeds
Horses -- Nutrition
Genre/Form Electronic books
proceedings (reports)
Conference papers and proceedings.
Actes de congrès.
Form Electronic book
Author Saastamoinen, M. T. (Markku T.), editor.
Fradinho, Maria João, editor
Santos, Ana Sofia, editor
Miraglia, N. (Nicoletta), editor.
European Workshop on Equine Nutrition (6th : 2012 : Lisbon, Portugal)
ISBN 9789086867554