Description |
1 online resource (326 pages) |
Contents |
Ribosome-inactivating Proteins: Ricin and Related Proteins; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Preface; 1 Introduction and History; Introduction; Identification and Distribution in Nature; Mechanism of Action; Effects on Cells and Animals; Role in Nature; Practical Applications; In Agriculture; In Medicine; Bioweapons; Future Challenges; References; 2 Occurrence and Taxonomical Distribution of Ribosome-inactivating Proteins Belonging to the Ricin/Shiga Toxin Superfamily; Introduction; How to Investigate the Distribution of Proteins with an N-glycosidase Domain? |
Overview of the Occurrence of the N-glycosidase Domain in Living OrganismsPlant RIPs; Bacterial RIPs -- Shiga Toxin Group; Distantly Related Non-secreted Protein Homolog of Stx A Subunit; RIPs in Actinobacteria; Fungal RIPs; Insect RIPs; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 3 Ribosome-inactivating Proteins from Phytolaccaceae; Introduction; Physicochemical Properties and Structure; Enzymatic Activities of RIPs from Phytolaccaceae; Biological Activity; 4 Ribosome-inactivating Proteins in Caryophyllaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Euphorbiaceae; Introduction; Caryophyllaceae RIPs; Agrostin |
DianthinGypsophilin; Petroglaucin 1 and Petrograndin; Saporin; RIPs from Saponaria Ocymoides and Vaccaria Pyramidata; Cucurbitaceae RIPs; Bryodin; Colocin 1 and Colocin 2; Cucumis Melo; Cucurmosin; Hispin; Lagenin; Luffangulin; Luffa Cylindrica Protein Synthesis Inhibitors; Luffin; Luffacylin (Small RIP); LuffinS (Small RIP); Luffin P1 (Small RIP); Balsamin; Bitter Gourd Protein (MRK29); MAP30; Alpha- and Beta-Momorcharins; Charantin (Small RIP); Momorcochin; Cochinin B; Momorgrosvin; MOR-I and MOR-II; Moschatin; Cucurbita Moschata RIP; Pepocin; Sechiumin; Trichoanguin; Trichobitacin |
TrichokirinTrichokirin-S1 (Small RIP); Trichomaglin; Trichosanthin; Karasurin-A, Karasurin-B, and Karasurin-C; Trichosanthrip (Small RIP); Euphorbiaceae RIPs; Croton Tiglium and Jatropha Curcas Protein Synthesis Inhibitors; Curcin; Gelonin; Lychnin; Mapalmin; Type 1 RIPs from other Families; Amaranthin (Family Amaranthaceae); Basella Rubra RIPs (Family Basellaceae) and Bougainvillea Spectabilis RIP (Family Nyctaginaceae); Beta Vulgaris RIP (Family Chamnopodiaceae); Nigritins f1 and f2 (Family Caprifoliaceae); Charybdin (Family Hyacinthaceae); Iris RIP (Family Iridaceae) |
Camphorin (Family Lauraceae)Mirabilis Jalapa RIP (Family Nyctaginaceae); Barley (Family Poaceae); Wheat (Family Poaceae); Algal RIPs; Lamjapin (Family Laminariaceae); Fungal RIPs; Clavin (Family Trichocomaceae); Flammin and Velin (Family Tricholomataceae); Flammulin (Family Tricholomataceae); Hypsin (Family Tricholomataceae); Lyophyllin (Family Tricholomataceae); Marmorin (Family Tricholomataceae); Pleuturegin (Family Pleurotaceae); Velutin (Family Tricholomataceae); Volvarin (Family Plutaceae); Crystal Structures of RIPs; Production of Recombinant RIPs; Immunoreactivity of RIPs |
Summary |
This important reference provides up-to-date information on all aspects of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs). Including a list of all known RIPs, their distribution in nature, structure, genetics and chemical and immunological properties, this reference covers mechanisms of action, including the enzymatic activity on various polynucleotide substrates; the interaction with, and entry into cells; the toxicity to animals, including the pathology of poisoning; and the immunomodulatory and allergenic activity. The book further emphasizes the use of immunotoxins and other conjugates in clinical |
Notes |
Effects of Thiolation on the Immunoreactivity of the RIP gelonin |
Print version record |
Subject |
Proteins -- Synthesis.
Ribosomes -- Structure.
Protein Biosynthesis
SCIENCE -- Life Sciences -- Cytology.
SCIENCE -- Life Sciences -- Anatomy & Physiology.
Cell Biology.
Life Sciences.
Proteins -- Synthesis
Ribosomes -- Structure
Genre/Form |
Electronic books
Form |
Electronic book
Author |
Lappi, Douglas
9781118846940 |
111884694X |