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Book Cover
Author Stirpe, Fiorenzo

Title Ribosome-inactivating Proteins : Ricin and Related Proteins
Published Hoboken : Wiley, 2014


Description 1 online resource (326 pages)
Contents Ribosome-inactivating Proteins: Ricin and Related Proteins; Copyright; Contents; Contributors; Preface; 1 Introduction and History; Introduction; Identification and Distribution in Nature; Mechanism of Action; Effects on Cells and Animals; Role in Nature; Practical Applications; In Agriculture; In Medicine; Bioweapons; Future Challenges; References; 2 Occurrence and Taxonomical Distribution of Ribosome-inactivating Proteins Belonging to the Ricin/Shiga Toxin Superfamily; Introduction; How to Investigate the Distribution of Proteins with an N-glycosidase Domain?
Overview of the Occurrence of the N-glycosidase Domain in Living OrganismsPlant RIPs; Bacterial RIPs -- Shiga Toxin Group; Distantly Related Non-secreted Protein Homolog of Stx A Subunit; RIPs in Actinobacteria; Fungal RIPs; Insect RIPs; Conclusions; Acknowledgments; References; 3 Ribosome-inactivating Proteins from Phytolaccaceae; Introduction; Physicochemical Properties and Structure; Enzymatic Activities of RIPs from Phytolaccaceae; Biological Activity; 4 Ribosome-inactivating Proteins in Caryophyllaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Euphorbiaceae; Introduction; Caryophyllaceae RIPs; Agrostin
DianthinGypsophilin; Petroglaucin 1 and Petrograndin; Saporin; RIPs from Saponaria Ocymoides and Vaccaria Pyramidata; Cucurbitaceae RIPs; Bryodin; Colocin 1 and Colocin 2; Cucumis Melo; Cucurmosin; Hispin; Lagenin; Luffangulin; Luffa Cylindrica Protein Synthesis Inhibitors; Luffin; Luffacylin (Small RIP); LuffinS (Small RIP); Luffin P1 (Small RIP); Balsamin; Bitter Gourd Protein (MRK29); MAP30; Alpha- and Beta-Momorcharins; Charantin (Small RIP); Momorcochin; Cochinin B; Momorgrosvin; MOR-I and MOR-II; Moschatin; Cucurbita Moschata RIP; Pepocin; Sechiumin; Trichoanguin; Trichobitacin
TrichokirinTrichokirin-S1 (Small RIP); Trichomaglin; Trichosanthin; Karasurin-A, Karasurin-B, and Karasurin-C; Trichosanthrip (Small RIP); Euphorbiaceae RIPs; Croton Tiglium and Jatropha Curcas Protein Synthesis Inhibitors; Curcin; Gelonin; Lychnin; Mapalmin; Type 1 RIPs from other Families; Amaranthin (Family Amaranthaceae); Basella Rubra RIPs (Family Basellaceae) and Bougainvillea Spectabilis RIP (Family Nyctaginaceae); Beta Vulgaris RIP (Family Chamnopodiaceae); Nigritins f1 and f2 (Family Caprifoliaceae); Charybdin (Family Hyacinthaceae); Iris RIP (Family Iridaceae)
Camphorin (Family Lauraceae)Mirabilis Jalapa RIP (Family Nyctaginaceae); Barley (Family Poaceae); Wheat (Family Poaceae); Algal RIPs; Lamjapin (Family Laminariaceae); Fungal RIPs; Clavin (Family Trichocomaceae); Flammin and Velin (Family Tricholomataceae); Flammulin (Family Tricholomataceae); Hypsin (Family Tricholomataceae); Lyophyllin (Family Tricholomataceae); Marmorin (Family Tricholomataceae); Pleuturegin (Family Pleurotaceae); Velutin (Family Tricholomataceae); Volvarin (Family Plutaceae); Crystal Structures of RIPs; Production of Recombinant RIPs; Immunoreactivity of RIPs
Summary This important reference provides up-to-date information on all aspects of ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs). Including a list of all known RIPs, their distribution in nature, structure, genetics and chemical and immunological properties, this reference covers mechanisms of action, including the enzymatic activity on various polynucleotide substrates; the interaction with, and entry into cells; the toxicity to animals, including the pathology of poisoning; and the immunomodulatory and allergenic activity. The book further emphasizes the use of immunotoxins and other conjugates in clinical
Notes Effects of Thiolation on the Immunoreactivity of the RIP gelonin
Print version record
Subject Proteins -- Synthesis.
Ribosomes -- Structure.
Protein Biosynthesis
SCIENCE -- Life Sciences -- Cytology.
SCIENCE -- Life Sciences -- Anatomy & Physiology.
Cell Biology.
Life Sciences.
Proteins -- Synthesis
Ribosomes -- Structure
Genre/Form Electronic books
Form Electronic book
Author Lappi, Douglas
ISBN 9781118846940