The measurement of the health status for a given population using a variety of indices, including morbidity, mortality, and available health resources
Risk -- Argentina -- Econometric models : Capital structures and portfolio composition during banking crisis : lessons from Argentina 1995 / prepared by Alberto M. Ramos
Risk -- Asia, Central : Risks and returns : managing financial trade-offs for inclusive growth in Europe and Central Asia / David Michael Gould and Martin Melecky
Risk assessment Aeronautics : Aviation risk and safety management : methods and applications in aviation organizations / Roland Müller, Andreas Wittmer, Christopher Drax, editors
Risk assessment -- Africa : African life with known and unknown love partners / by Dr Asaph Moshikaro
Risk assessment Agricultural biotechnology Congresses : Genetically engineered organisms, wildlife, and habitat : a workshop summary / Paula Tarnapol Whitacre, rapporteur ; Planning Committee for the Workshop on Research to Improve the Evaluation of the Impacts of Genetically Engineered Organisms on Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife and Habitats, Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Risk assessment Agricultural innovations : State of the art on the initiatives and activities relevant to risk assessment and risk management of nanotechnologies in the food and agriculture sectors / Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and World Health Organization
Risk assessment Agriculture : Agriculture value chain -- challenges and trends in academia and industry : RUC-APS / Jorge E. Hernández, Janusz Kacprzyk, editors
Risk assessment Aquaculture Congresses : Understanding and applying risk analysis in aquaculture / edited by Melba G. Bondad-Reantaso, James Richard Arthur and Rohana P. Subasinghe
Risk assessment Biological warfare : The 2nd International Forum on Biosecurity : summary of an international meeting, Budapest, Hungary, March 30 to April 2, 2008 / Katherine Bowman, Jo L. Husbands, and Ben Rusek, Rapporteurs ; Committee on International Outreach Activities on Biosecurity ; Development, Security, and Cooperation, Board on International Scientific Organizations, Policy and Global Affairs, National Research Council of the National Academies
Risk assessment Building failures : Manual for the systematic risk assessment of high-risk structures against disproportionate collapse / the Institution of Structural Engineers
Risk assessment Building failures Congresses : Critical thinking in the sustainable rehabilitation and risk management of the built environment : CRIT-RE-BUILT. : proceedings of the international conference, Iaşi, Romania, November 7-9, 2019 / Ancuţa Rotaru, Editor
Risk assessment Building sites Kansas Manhattan : Evaluation of the updated site-specific risk assessment for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas / Committee on the Evaluation of the Updated Site-Specific Risk Assessment for the National Bio- and Agro-Defense Facility in Manhattan, Kansas ; Board on Life Sciences ; Board on Agriculture and Natural Resources ; Division on Earth and Life Studies ; National Research Council
Risk assessment Business travel : Building a travel risk management program : traveler safety and duty of care for any organization / Charles Brossman