Rural electrification -- Economic aspects -- Africa : From the bottom up : how small power producers and mini-grids can deliver electrification and renewable energy in Africa / Bernard Tenenbaum, Chris Greacen, Tilak Siyambalapitiya, and James Knuckles
Rural electrification -- Senegal : Solar Energy, Mini-Grids and Sustainable Electricity Access : Practical Experiences, Lessons and Solutions from Senegal
Rural electrification -- Southeast Asia. : The role of engineering schools in the development of alternative energy sources especially for rural areas : Association for Engineering Education in South East Asia Conference 1979, Perth, August 27-31, 1979 : preprints of papers / organised by the Western Australian Institute of Technology
Here are entered works on population shifts from a rural to an urban environment. Works on population shifts from an urban to a rural environment are entered under Urban-rural migration
Rural extension -- Australasia. : Shaping change : natural resource management, agriculture and the role of extension / editors Jess Jennings, Roger Packham, Dedee Woodside
Rural extension -- Pacific Area. : Shaping change : natural resource management, agriculture and the role of extension / editors Jess Jennings, Roger Packham, Dedee Woodside
Rural extension -- Texas : Reaping a greater harvest : African Americans, the extension service, and rural reform in Jim Crow Texas / Debra A. Reid
Rural extension -- United States : Extension education and the social sciences : uplifting children, youth, families, and communities / edited by Maria Rosario T. de Guzman, Holly Hatton
Rural extension work : Shaping change : natural resource management, agriculture and the role of extension / editors Jess Jennings, Roger Packham, Dedee Woodside
Rural extension work -- Australasia : Shaping change : natural resource management, agriculture and the role of extension / editors Jess Jennings, Roger Packham, Dedee Woodside
Rural extension work -- Pacific Area : Shaping change : natural resource management, agriculture and the role of extension / editors Jess Jennings, Roger Packham, Dedee Woodside
Rural families -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Understanding Africa's rural households and farming systems / edited by Joyce Lewinger Moock ; foreword by Bede N. Okigbo