Rwanda Africans Education : Memorandum on education in Belgian Ruanda & Urundi / [A.C. Stanley Smith]
Rwanda Agriculture and state : Rwanda : selected issues and statistical appendix / prepared by Kenneth Meyers [and others]
Rwanda AIDS (Disease) : Evaluation of PEPFAR's contribution (2012-2017) to Rwanda's human resources for health program / Committee on the Evaluation of Strengthening Human Resources for Health Capacity in the Republic of Rwanda Under the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Board on Global Health, Health and Medicine Division, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Rwanda Americans : Journey into darkness : genocide in Rwanda / Thomas P. Odom ; foreword by Gen. Dennis J. Reimer
Rwanda Americans Biography : Journey into darkness : genocide in Rwanda / Thomas P. Odom ; foreword by Gen. Dennis J. Reimer
Rwanda Anglican Communion History : Revival and reconciliation : the Anglican church and the politics of Rwanda / Phillip A. Cantrell II
Rwanda Anglicans History : Revival and reconciliation : the Anglican church and the politics of Rwanda / Phillip A. Cantrell II
Rwanda -- Appropriations and expenditures : Rwanda : joint staff advisory note of the poverty reduction strategy paper : annual progress report / prepared by the staffs of the International Monetary Fund and the International Development Association
Rwanda Architecture Human factors : Interpreting Kigali, Rwanda : architectural inquiries and prospects for a developing African city / Korydon H. Smith and Tomà Berlanda ; with a foreword and work from Peter Rich and work from Stephen Luoni and the University of Arkansas Community Design Center
Rwanda Balance of payments : Rwanda : fourth review under the three-year arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and requests for waiver of nonobservance of performance criteria and for extension of the arrangement : staff report, staff statement, press release on the Executive Board discussion, and statement by the Executive Director for Rwanda / [prepared by the African Dept.]
Rwanda Catholic Church History 21st century : Reinventing theology in post-genocide Rwanda : challenges and hopes / Marcel Uwineza, SJ, Elisée Rutagambwa, SJ, and Michel Segatagara Kamanzi, SJ, editors