Social science libraries. : Social Science Libraries : Interdisciplinary Collections, Services, Networks
Social science libraries -- Information technology : Open access and digital libraries : social science libraries in action = Acceso abierto y bibliotecas digitales : las bibliotecas de ciencias sociales en acción / edited by Lynne M. Rudasill and Maria Elena Dorta-Duque
Social science libraries -- Information technology -- Cuba : Open access and digital libraries : social science libraries in action = Acceso abierto y bibliotecas digitales : las bibliotecas de ciencias sociales en acción / edited by Lynne M. Rudasill and Maria Elena Dorta-Duque
SOCIAL SCIENCE OCIAL SCIENCE -- Customs & Traditions. : Chu Hsi's family rituals : a twelfth-century Chinese manual for the performance of cappings, weddings, funerals, and ancestral rites / translated, with annotation and introduction by Patricia Buckley Ebrey
SOCIAL SCIENCE : So Tell Me About the Last Time You Had Sex laying bare and learning to repair our love lives / Kerner, Ian