Cover -- Table of Contents -- Acknowledgments -- Preface-Some Facts -- Introduction -- 2 -- 1. Buying the barge -- 2. And now a Baltic trader -- 3. Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth-Matthew 6:3 -- 4. The Minsener Rinne -- 5. The fi rst winter in England -- 6. Battle hardening -- 7. From pillar to post -- 8. Who says France faces west? -- 9. The Royal Albert Dock -- 10. The Lappel Bank -- 11. A daft decision -- 12. Le dock fl ottant -- 13. A fl ying Dutchman? -- 14. Back to England -- 15. Emigration -- How to do it -- The Wrigley's Chewing Gum charter -- We leave France -- Sailmaking -- 16. Traveling again -- The Balearics -- Leaving the Mediterranean -- Atlantic crossing -- The Caribbean -- 17. Life in America -- Skidding to a stop -- Hogging -- A mast by the board -- Hurricane Gloria -- The keel shoe -- The auxiliary rudder -- Afterword -- Glossary -- Index
"The true story of how a family brought a wooden cargo ship back into the age of sail. Cecilia bought the first ship, a Thames barge, for family vacations. Dominick bought a Baltic trader, and found this would be his career. Twenty years elapsed between the first days of the barge and the last day of the Baltic."--Provided by publisher."