Sales (Islamic law) -- India : The Moohummudan law of sale : according to the Huneefeea code: from the Futawa Alumgeeree, a digest of the whole law ; prepared by command of the Emperor Aubungzebe Alumgeer ; selected and translated, from the original Arabic, with an introduction and explanatory notes / by Neil B.E. Baillie, author of "The Moohummudan law of inheritance."
Sales -- Italy : Vendita multilevel e parametri di tutela in Italia e negli USA / Valentina Barela
Here are entered works on the legal aspects of the sale of personal property. Works on the legal aspects of the sale of real property are entered under the heading Vendors and purchasers
Sales management -- Germany : Sales negotiations in professional service firms : an exploratory study on agenda setting and issue management / Mireia Prat
Sales management -- Spain : Sales negotiations in professional service firms : an exploratory study on agenda setting and issue management / Mireia Prat
Sales -- Massachusetts : The law pertaining to the sale of personal property : as contained in the statutes of Massachusetts, the decisions of its supreme judicial court, and the statutes of the United States : with references on many points to cases in other jurisdictions, and a bibliographic note / by Edward P. Usher
Sales -- Middle East. : The law of business contracts in the Arab Middle East : a theoretical and practical comparative analysis (with particular reference to modern legislation) / Nayla Comair-Obeid ; with a foreword by Nabil Saleh
Sales -- New Jersey : The Sales Act (Pamphlet Laws, 1907, Ch. 132) of New Jersey : complete text of statute as enacted, supplemented by the Conditional Sales Act and the Sales in Bulk Act, with notes / by John Elliott, A.B., LL. B. of the New Haven bar
Sales -- Ontario : The bills of sale and chattel mortgage acts of Ontario : being a complete and exhaustive annotation of the Revised Statutes of Ont., chap. CXIX, and of the Mortgages and Sales of Personal Property Amendment Act, 1880, (43 Vict., chapter 15, Ont.) ; preceded by an introductory treatise on the law of bills of sale and chattel mortgages, and having appended chapters 66, 95, 98 and 118 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and the Act 29 Victoria, chap. 28, D., in so far as the same affect the law of bills of sale and chattel mortgages in Ontario ; together also with a carefully prepared and useful appendix of forms / by John A. Barron, of Osgoode Hall, barrister-at-law
Sales -- Pennsylvania : A study of the uniform commercial code on sales / by Sheldon C. Tanner