A severe emotional disorder of psychotic depth characteristically marked by a retreat from reality with delusion formation, HALLUCINATIONS, emotional disharmony, and regressive behavior
A personality disorder in which there are oddities of thought (magical thinking, paranoid ideation, suspiciousness), perception (illusions, depersonalization), speech (digressive, vague, overelaborate), and behavior (inappropriate affect in social interactions, frequently social isolation) that are not severe enough to characterize schizophrenia
A personality disorder in which there are oddities of thought (magical thinking, paranoid ideation, suspiciousness), perception (illusions, depersonalization), speech (digressive, vague, overelaborate), and behavior (inappropriate affect in social interactions, frequently social isolation) that are not severe enough to characterize schizophrenia
A personality disorder in which there are oddities of thought (magical thinking, paranoid ideation, suspiciousness), perception (illusions, depersonalization), speech (digressive, vague, overelaborate), and behavior (inappropriate affect in social interactions, frequently social isolation) that are not severe enough to characterize schizophrenia
A personality disorder in which there are oddities of thought (magical thinking, paranoid ideation, suspiciousness), perception (illusions, depersonalization), speech (digressive, vague, overelaborate), and behavior (inappropriate affect in social interactions, frequently social isolation) that are not severe enough to characterize schizophrenia
A personality disorder in which there are oddities of thought (magical thinking, paranoid ideation, suspiciousness), perception (illusions, depersonalization), speech (digressive, vague, overelaborate), and behavior (inappropriate affect in social interactions, frequently social isolation) that are not severe enough to characterize schizophrenia
A severe emotional disorder of psychotic depth characteristically marked by a retreat from reality with delusion formation, HALLUCINATIONS, emotional disharmony, and regressive behavior
Schizophrenics -- California -- Biography : Many forms of madness : a family's struggle with mental illness and the mental health system / Rosemary Radford Ruether ; with David Ruether
Schizophrenics -- Diseases : Medical illness and schizophrenia / edited by Jonathan M. Meyer, Henry A. Nasrallah
Schizophrenics -- Drama. : Robert Altman's images / Hemdale presents ; produced by Tommy Thompson ; written & directed by Robert Altman
Schizophrenics -- Education. : Psychoeducation in early psychosis / [principal editorial direction and input by Michael Mooney and Stephen Haines with the assistance of EEPIC Statewide Services]
Schizophrenics -- Employment : Beyond schizophrenia : living and working with a serious mental illness / Marjorie L. Baldwin
Schizophrenics -- Germany -- Biography : On the trail of the morning star: psychosis as self-discovery / edited by Susanne Antonetta ; translated by Eva Lipton
Schizophrenics -- Interviews : The world of abnormal psychology. [Unit 9], The schizophrenias / producer, Marsha Zeesman ; a production of Alvin H. Perlmutter, Inc. in association with Toby Levine Communications, Inc