Scientists -- Russia (Federation) : Manufacturing possibility : expanding resources to meet global challenges, promote economic development, support innovation, and prevent proliferation / Brian D. Finlay and Elizabeth Turpen, Ph. D ; with Frederick Kellett
Scientists -- Salaries, etc. : The U.S. science and engineering workforce : employment and wage trends / Russell B. Hartlay, editor
Scientists -- Social life and customs. : Internationale Nachwuchswissenschaftler in Deutschland : Motivation - Integration - Förderung : Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Studie / Antje Wegner ; Gate Germany, Konsortium Internationales Hochschulmarketing
Scientists -- Societies, etc : Associations and Other Groups in Science : an Historical and Contemporary Perspective
Scientists -- Software. : Gadget : invention, travel & adventure / directed by Haruhiko Shono ; music composed by Koji Ueno ; story developed by Hirokazu Nabekura
Scientists -- Spain -- Interviews : La configuración lingüístico-discursiva en el periodismo científico / Luis Alberto Hernando Cuadrado y Jesús Sánchez Lobato (eds.)
Scientists -- Switzerland : Citoyen Nobel / Emmanuel Gétaz et Dreampixies présentent ; en coproduction avec RTS-Radio Télévision Suisse ; un film de Stéphane Goël ; une coproduction, Dreampixies - RTS ; produit par Emmanuel Gétaz ; réalisation, Stéphane Goël ; scenario, Stéphane Goël, Emmanuel Gétaz
Scientists -- United States -- Attitudes : Misconceiving merit : paradoxes of excellence and devotion in academic science and engineering / Mary Blair-Loy and Erin A. Cech
Scientists -- United States -- Congresses : Pan-Organizational Summit on the U.S. Science and Engineering Workforce : Meeting Summary / Marye Anne Fox ; Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable ; National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies