Scotland -- Biography -- Dictionaries : The biographical dictionary of Scottish women : from the earliest times to 2004 / editors, Elizabeth Ewan, Sue Innes, Siân Reynolds ; co-ordinating editor Rose Pipes
Scotland Birds Priest island : Bird flocks and the breeding cycle : a contribution to the study of avian sociality / by F. Fraser Darling
Scotland Birth announcements Glasgow Indexes : Index to intimations of births, deaths and marriages in the Glasgow Herald for the year 1851 / Glasgow & West of Scotland Family History Society
Scotland Body snatching History 19th century : The history of Burke and Hare and of the resurrectionist times : a fragment from the criminal annals of Scotland / by George MacGregor
Scotland -- Boundaries -- Great Britain : Leges marchiarum, or, border-laws : containing several original articles and treaties, made and agreed upon by the commissioners of the respective kings of England and Scotland : for the better preservation of peace and commerce upon the marches of both kingdoms : from the reign of Henry III. to the union of the two crowns in K. James I : with a preface, and an appendix of charters and records, relating to the said treaties / by William, Lord Bishop of Carlile
Scotland -- Boundaries -- Rome : Frontiers of the Roman Empire : the Antonine Wall, a World Heritage sight = Grenzen des Römischen Reiches : der Antoninus Wall / David J. Breeze ; translated by Martin Lemke, Christine Pavesicz
Scotland Breach of contract : Report of proceedings at jury trial in the actions of Thomas, Freres, against Archibald Orr Ewing & Co., et e contra, and Archibald Orr Ewing & Co., against Thomas Allan & Co : held at Glasgow before Lord Gifford, October 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 7th, 1872
Scotland Breastfeeding : Biological and sociocultural predictors of the extent and duration of breast-feeding / E. Anne M. Duthie
Scotland Brewing : The Scottish ale-brewer: a practical treatise on the art of brewing ales according to the system practised in Scotland : In which are detailed, a simplified process of sparging (illustrated by an engraving of a newly invented self-acting sparging machine), and the method of conducting slow fermentation: containing also four tables of original gravities and attenuations, both real and apparent, with the quantity of proof spirit per cent. in the ales of the various Edinburgh brewers, ascertained by means of partial evaporation. By W.H. Roberts