Scribner, Charles, 1951- : Home by another route : a journal of art, music, and faith / Charles Scribner III
Scribner (Firm) : Editor to author : the letters of Maxwell E. Perkins / selected and edited, with commentary and an introd., by John Hall Wheelock ; and a new introd. by Marcia Davenport
Scripps Institution of Oceanography. / : Global institutions and social knowledge : generating research at the Scripps Institution and the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, 1900s-1990s / Virginia M. Walsh ; [foreword by Oran R. Young]
Script type. : A manual of script typefaces : a definitive guide to series in current use / selected and arranged with an introd., commentaries and appendices, by R. S. Hutchings
Scripto sopra Theseu Re. : Scripto sopra Theseu Re : il commento salentino al "Teseida" di Boccaccio (Ugento/Nardò, ante 1487) / Marco Maggiore
Scripto sopra Theseu Re -- Language : Scripto sopra Theseu Re : il commento salentino al "Teseida" di Boccaccio (Ugento/Nardò, ante 1487) / Marco Maggiore