Segregation -- Southern States (U.S.) : The highest stage of white supremacy : the origins of segregation in South Africa and the American South / John W. Cell
Segregation -- Texas -- Austin : Urban segregation and governance in the Americas / edited by Bryan R. Roberts and Robert H. Wilson
Segregation -- Texas -- History : First available cell : desegregation of the Texas prison system / Chad R. Trulson and James W. Marquart ; foreword by Ben M. Crouch
Segregation -- Texas -- Houston -- History : The Strange Demise of Jim Crow / Thomas R. Cole, creator and executive producer ; David Berman, director and camera ; Tom Curtis, scriptwriter and co-producer ; Bill Howze, editor and co-producer
Segregation -- Zimbabwe : Free and fair? : the 1979 Rhodesian election : a report / by observers on behalf of the British Parliamentary Human Rights Group
Séguin, François-Hyacinthe -- Diaries : Journal d'un loyal dans la campagne canadienne, 1831-1834 / François-Hyacinthe Séguin ; édité, présenté et annoté par Jean-René Thuot ; avec la collaboration de Cluade Blouin et la participation de Jean-Claude Simard
Segunda lengua -- Adquisición -- En línea : Technology and the psychology of second language learners and users / Mark R. Freiermuth, Nourollah Zarrinabadi, editors
Segurança (congressos) : Information security : 10th international conference, ISC 2007, Valparaíso, Chile, October 9-12, 2007 : proceedings / Juan A. Garay [and others] (eds.)