Self-regulation Financial institutions : Credit rating agencies : self-regulation, statutory regulation and case law regulation in the United States and European Union / Mohammed Hemraj
Self-regulation Grocery trade United States : Marketing food to children and adolescents : a review of industry expenditures, activities, and self-regulation / Nicoletta A. Wilks, editor
--subdivision Self-regulation under types of industries, e.g. Construction industry--Self-regulation
Self-regulation Pharmaceutical industry Europe : Der EFPIA-Kodex in der pharmazeutischen Industrie : Implementierung eines Controllingsystems zur Sicherstellung seiner Einhaltung / Franziska Protz
The quality or state of being independent and self-directing, especially in making decisions, enabling professionals to exercise judgment as they see fit during the performance of their jobs
Self-reliance -- Australia. : Measuring the impact of SAAP-funded homelessness services on client self-reliance : final report / report for the SAAP National Coordination and Development Committee, commissioned through the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs ; [Tony Eardley ... [and others]]
Self-reliance -- Case studies : Authoring your life : developing an internal voice to navigate life's challenges / Marcia B. Baxter Magolda ; foreword by Sharon Daloz Parks
Self-reliance in literature. : From the Way to Wealth to the Gospel of Wealth : the Transformation of the Concept of Success in American Literature From Benjamin Franklin to Theodore Dreiser