A radiosensitive, malignant neoplasm of the testis, thought to be derived from primordial germ cells of the sexually undifferentiated embryonic gonad. There are three variants: classical (typical), the most common type; anaplastic; and spermatocytic. The classical seminoma is composed of fairly well differentiated sheets or cords of uniform polygonal or round cells (seminoma cells), each cell having abundant clear cytoplasm, distinct cell membranes, a centrally placed round nucleus, and one or more nucleoli. In the female, a grossly and histologically identical neoplasm, known as dysgerminoma, occurs. (Dorland, 27th ed)
Semiochemicals -- Analysis : The chemistry of pheromones and other semiochemicals / volume editor, Stefan Schulz ; with contributions by T. Ando [and others]
Semiótica -- Congresos y asambleas : Sémiotique en jeu : à partir et autour de l'œuvre d'A.J. Greimas : actes de la décade tenue au Centre culturel international de Cerisy-la-Salle du 4 au 14 août 1983 / sous la direction de Michel Arrivé et Jean-Claude Coquet ; préface d'Eric Landowski
Semiótica -- Filosofía : Diagrams and gestures : mathematics, philosophy, and linguistics / Francesco La Mantia, Charles Alunni, Fernando Zalamea, editors
Semiotics and literature -- China : Poetry-painting affinity as intersemiotic translation : a cognitive stylistic study of landscape representation in Wang Wei's poetry and its translation / Chengzhi Jiang
Semiotics and literature -- Germany. : The disciplines of interpretation : Lessing, Herder, Schlegel and hermeneutics in Germany, 1750-1800 / Robert S. Leventhal