The exposure to potentially harmful chemical, physical, or biological agents in the environment or to environmental factors that may include ionizing radiation, pathogenic organisms, or toxic chemicals
--subdivision Guard duty under armies, e.g. United States. Army--Guard duty
Sentir (The Spanish word) : Hacia un enfoque múltiple de la polisemia : un estudio empírico del verbo multimodal 'sentir' desde una perspectiva sincrónica y diacrónica / Marlies Jansegers
Seoul <2008> : Multisensor fusion and integration for intelligent systems : an edition of the selected papers from the IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems 2008 / Sukhan Lee, Hanseok Ko, Hernsoo Hahn, editors
Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (2017 : Seoul, Korea) / : Imminent commons : urban questions for the near future : Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017 / edited by Alejandro Zaera-Polo and Hyungmin Pai