Any system which allows payors to share some of the financial risk associated with a particular patient population with providers. Providers agree to adhere to fixed fee schedules in exchange for an increase in their payor base and a chance to benefit from cost containment measures. Common risk-sharing methods are prospective payment schedules (PROSPECTIVE PAYMENT SYSTEM), capitation (CAPITATION FEES), diagnosis-related fees (DIAGNOSIS-RELATED GROUPS), and pre-negotiated fees
Shark Bay (WA) Fisheries Australia : The biology of the commercially fished whiting (Sillago spp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia / by Rodney Charles John Lenanton
Shark Bay (WA) Fishery resources Australia : Shark Bay world heritage property : summary of public submissions to the draft management plan for fish resources / Kevin A. Francesconi
Shark Bay (WA) Lutjanidae Australia : Management options (discussion paper) for the Shark Bay snapper limited entry fishery / Shark Bay Snapper Limited Entry Fishery Working Group ; chaired by Doug Bathgate
Shark Bay (WA) Lutjanidae fisheries Australia : Management options (discussion paper) for the Shark Bay snapper limited entry fishery / Shark Bay Snapper Limited Entry Fishery Working Group ; chaired by Doug Bathgate
Shark Bay World Heritage Area (W.A.) : Shark Bay world heritage property : summary of public submissions to the draft management plan for fish resources / Kevin A. Francesconi
Shark Bay World Heritage Property (W.A.) : Shark Bay world heritage property : summary of public submissions to the draft management plan for fish resources / Kevin A. Francesconi
Shark fisheries -- Australia -- Victoria. : Final report of ageing work undertaken on key species from the SETF and GHaTF sectors of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery / Kyne Krusic-Golub and Thérèse K. Stokie