Shipley, William Davies, 1745-1826. : The rights of juries vindicated : the speeches of the Dean of St. Asaph's counsel, in the Court of King's Bench, Westminster, on the 15th of November, 1784 ; in shewing cause why a new trial should be granted : the rule for which had been applied for on the motion of the Honble. Thomas Erskine, the preceding Monday ; taken in short hand / by William Blanchard
Shipley, William Davies, 1745-1826 -- Trials, litigation, etc : The proceedings in the cause the King against the Dean of St. Asaph : on the prosecution of William Jones, Gent., for a libel : at the Great Session held at Wrexham, for the county of Denbigh, on Monday, Sept. 1, 1783, before the Hon. Lloyd Kenyon, Chief Justice, and the Hon. Daines Barrington, the other justice of our Lord the King of his Great Session of the county of Denbigh / taken in short-hand by Joseph Gurney
Shipment of goods -- Australia. : Efficiency of the interface between seaports and land transport / report from the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Transport, Communications and Infrastructure
Shipment of goods -- Congresses : A study of the economic influence of containerisation on transport systems : report of the Twenty-first Round Table on Transport Economics, held at Paris on 1st and 2nd February 1973 ... / [Stewart Joy]
Shipment of goods -- Data processing -- Congresses : La télématique dans les transports de marchandises : rapport de la soixante-dix-huitième Table Ronde d'économie des Transports, tenue à Paris les 13 et 14 octobre,1988
Shipment of goods -- Europe -- Congresses : Le rôle des chargeurs et des transporteurs dans la logistique : rapport de la soixante-seizième Table Ronde d'économie des Transports, tenue à Paris les 29-30 avril, 1987
Shipment of goods -- Management : Lean transportation management : using logistics as a strategic differentiator / Mohamed Achahchah
Shipment of goods -- Mathematical models : Pro-active dynamic vehicle routing : real-time control and request-forecasting approaches to improve customer service / Francesco Ferrucci