Shoulder -- Wounds and injuries -- Case studies : Sports medicine in the pediatric office. Chapter 4, Shoulder injuries. Case files -- shoulder injuries. Shoulder case 4, Little league shoulder / [produced by American Academy of Pediatrics]
Shoulder -- Wounds and injuries -- Congresses : A practical approach to the throwing athlete "beyond the shoulder" / presented by Peter H. Seidenberg, Jimmy Bowen and Anthony I. Beutler ; produced by the American College of Sports Medicine
Shoulder -- Wounds and injuries -- Examinations, questions, etc : Quick questions in the shoulder : expert advice in sports medicine / editor, Kelly C. Huxel Bliven, PhD, ATC, Associate Professor, Kinesiology Program, College of Graduate Health Studies, A.T. Still University, Mesa, Arizonia ; series editor, Eric L. Sauers, PhD, ATC, FNATA, Professor and Chair, Department of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences, Arizona School of Health Sciences, A.T. Still University, Mesa, Arizona
Part of the body in humans and primates where the arms connect to the trunk. The shoulder has five joints; ACROMIOCLAVICULAR joint, CORACOCLAVICULAR joint, GLENOHUMERAL joint, scapulathoracic joint, and STERNOCLAVICULAR joint
Shoulders Nye, Naomi Shihab : Poetry for students. Volume 33 : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Sara Constantakis, project editor