Cover; Copyright; Dedication; Editors; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Contents; Section I General Principles; 1 The Overhead Athlete-Challenges and Decision-Making; 2 Shoulder Anatomy and Biomechanics During Overhead Motions; 3 Clinical Examination of the Overhead Athlete: The "Differential-Directed" Approach; 4 Imaging of the Overhead Athlete; 5 The Assessment of Outcomes for the Treatment of the Overhead Athlete; 6 Resistance Training and Core Strengthening; 7 Specific Exercises for the Throwing Shoulder; 8 Interval Program and Its Implication for the Throwing Athlete
Section II Lesions of the Overhead Shoulder9 Internal Impingement; 10 Surgical Treatment of Partial Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears; 11 Subacromial Impingement and Full Thickness Rotator Cuff Tears in Overhead Athletes; 12 Unidirectional Anterior Instability; 13 Unidirectional Posterior Instability; 14 Multidirectional Instability; 15 Disorders of the Biceps Tendon; 16 Acromioclavicular Joint Disorders; 17 Scapulothoracic Problems in Overhead Athletes; 18 Fractures; 19 Neurologic and Vascular Lesions; 20 Disorders in Pediatric Athletes
Section III Sport-Specific Shoulder Injuries and Management in Overhead Athletes21 Baseball; 22 Football; 23 Tennis; 24 Swimming