Sinai Biogeochemistry Egypt : Hypersaline ecosystems : the Gavish Sabkha / edited by G.M. Friedman and W.E. Krumbein in cooperation with M.R. Buyce and G. Gerdes
Sinai Biotic communities Egypt : Hypersaline ecosystems : the Gavish Sabkha / edited by G.M. Friedman and W.E. Krumbein in cooperation with M.R. Buyce and G. Gerdes
Sinai Campaign, 1956 -- Aerial operations : Wings over Sinai : the Egyptian Air Force during the Sinai War, 1956 / David Nicolle, Tom Cooper & Air Vice Marshall Gabr Ali Gabr
Sinai Campaign, 1956 -- Causes. : Origins of the second Arab-Israel war : Egypt, Israel, and the great powers, 1952-56 / Michael B. Oren
Sinai (Egypt) -- Antiquities -- Congresses : The Delta Survey workshop : proceedings from conferences held in Alexandria (2017) and Mansoura (2019) / edited by Ayman Wahby and Penelope Wilson
Sinai (Egypt) -- Antiquities -- Pictorial works : Excavations at Kadesh Barnes (Tell el-Qudeirat), 1976-1982. Part 2, Plates, plans and sections / Rudolph Cohen and Hannah Bernick-Greenberg
Sinai Evaporites Egypt : Hypersaline ecosystems : the Gavish Sabkha / edited by G.M. Friedman and W.E. Krumbein in cooperation with M.R. Buyce and G. Gerdes
Sinai Evaporites Egypt Gavish Sabkha : Hypersaline ecosystems : the Gavish Sabkha / edited by G.M. Friedman and W.E. Krumbein in cooperation with M.R. Buyce and G. Gerdes
Sinai Excavations (Archaeology) Egypt Congresses : The Delta Survey workshop : proceedings from conferences held in Alexandria (2017) and Mansoura (2019) / edited by Ayman Wahby and Penelope Wilson
Sinai Field Mission (U.S.) / : Sinai Field Mission / directed & produced by Frederick Wiseman ; a Zipporah Films release
Sinai Inscriptions Egypt : The one primeval language traced experimentally through ancient inscriptions in alphabetic characters of lost powers from the four continents : including the voice of Israel from the rocks of Sinai : and the vestiges of patriarchal tradition from the monuments of Egypt, Etruria, and Southern Arabia
Sinai Islam and politics Egypt : Salafi jihadist violence in Egypt's North Sinai : from local insurgency to Islamic State province / author: Zack Gold
Sinai Islam and state Egypt : Photographic warfare : ISIS, Egypt, and the online battle for Sinai / Kareem El Damanhoury
Sinai Monasteries Egypt : Monastic settlements in South Sinai in the Byzantine period : the archaeological remains / Uzi Dahari ; with contributions by R. Calderon, W.D. Cooke, Y. Gorin-Rosen and O. Shamir